AP Boat Shipping
Name that Riot!
Ancient Water Transport
Terrifying Torture Tools

This South American Capital just like its country rests perfectly on the equator.

What is Quito?


Although this ancient Chinese sailing ship had a literal garbage name, it was improved during the Song Dynasty for extensive maritime voyages.

What was the Chinese Junk?


This riot was the deadliest in the history of Constantinople as over 30,000 people were killed, all over a dispute about a Chariot Race.

What was the Nika Riot?


This crucial practice was necessary for planting early crops and involved redirecting water from rivers into smaller channels.

What is Irrigation?


This torture device, developed in Ancient Greece, saw people being steamed alive in a bull.

What is the Brazen Bull?


This Capital in the United States is named after the 3rd. President of its country.

What is Jefferson City?


The name of this revolutionary triangular sail means “latin” in French and was the earliest fore-and-aft sail.

What was the Lateen Sail?


Martin Luther’s 95 Theses incited this rebellion, as the German Peasants thought he would support it, however, he said they got there, “just desserts”.

What were the German Peasant Revolts of 1525?


This Ancient Egyptian invention helped to lift water out in buckets to be used for watering crops.

What is the Shaduf?


This medieval torture tool was not only named after its primary metal of composition, but also the word for an unmarried young woman.

What is the Iron Maiden?


Combining the words “Triple” and “I” will get you this North African Capital.

What is Tripoli?


This British merchant ship invented in the 1800’s was designed for speed, and shares its name with an LA Basketball team.

What was the Clipper Ship?


Just recently in 2021, disappointed with the outcome of the recent presidential election, rioters stormed the U.S Capitol building as a mob.

What were the Capitol Riots?


The Romans were most famous for developing these bridges which functioned as artificial channels for transporting water across large valleys.

What were the Aqueducts?


This torture method used by the British for executions, sees the accused be ripped apart by horses and then cut in half.

What is Hung, Drawn, and Quartered?


This Capital City has a bigger version of Ben.

What is London?


The two smaller ships of Christopher Columbus, the Nina and Pinta were this kind of ship.

What was the Caravel?


This rebellion in Han China was an unsuccessful peasant revolt, however it severely crippled the government leading to its decline.

What was the Yellow Turban Uprising?


The ancient Persians were able to turn their desert environment into an oasis due to this system of underground canals meant to access aquifers.

What were the Qanats?


This form of viking torture was so brutal, it was thought to have been only legend, the person’s ribs were bent into the lungs to form eagle wings.

What is the Viking Blood Eagle?


If you spell “also” backwards, it will sound nearly identical to the name of this Scandinavian Capital.

What is Oslo?


This American ship was named after the supreme law of the country, and was nicknamed, “Old Ironsides” due to its sturdy hull never sinking.

What is the U.S.S Constitution?


This famous slave uprising in the Roman Empire occurred in 73 BCE and ultimately defeated 9 Roman Armies before being put down.

What was Spartacus’s Slave Rebellion?


This gigantic canal built during the Sui Dynasty is now officially an UNESCO site due to being the largest man-made artificial river.

What is the Grand Canal?


Created during the radical phase of the French Revolution, this execution device really was “a-head” of its time.

What is the Guillotine?