Mountain of Mountains
Order in the Court!
Coffee for Me
Spare Me The Drama

This mountain in the Himalayas is the tallest mountain in the world.

What is Mount Everest?


The horrific Bubonic Plague Epidemic spread in the Middle Ages was caused by this bacteria.

What is Yersinia Pestis?


This Supreme Court Case took place in 1803 and established the precedent of Judicial Review under the Marshall Court.

What was Marbury v. Madison?


While most Americans are dead without that morning cup of joe. Our British Britians would rather enjoy this hot beverage made with dried leaves.

What is Tea?


In Shakespeare’s classic, “Romeo and Juliet”, this character is Romeo’s cousin and his name’s root means “good fortune” in many romance languages.

Who was Benvolio?


Playing a significant role in Western European history, this mountain range rests on the border of France and Spain.

What are the Pyrenees?


With this new consumer product invented in 1924, all those cold infested noses would blow into them.

What are Tissues?


This Supreme Court Case ruled in favor of white southerners that segregation was constitutional as long as it was “separate but equal”.

What was Plessy v. Ferguson?


This popular donut chain in the United States would not be what it is without its piping hot coffee, perfect for either drinking or dunking donuts.

What is Dunkin Donuts?


In all of Shakespeare’s plays, both comedies and tragedies alike, their lines are read with this specific syllabic pattern.

What is Iambic/Iambic Pentameter?


All Mountain Chains in the world today were created by this process.

What is Plate Tectonics?


In the 1900’s, once deadly diseases like Smallpox were made extinct with this medical marvel.

What is Penicillin?


This Supreme Court Case was a milestone in women rights as it upheld their right to choose abortion.

What was Roe v. Wade?


Coffee’s origins are believed to be in Africa, where this modern day country is located.

What is Ethiopia?


In Shakespeare’s tragedy, “Macbeth”, the main character is looked at positively by this king who unfortunately was the victim of the Macbeth couple’s regicide.

Who was Duncan?


This part of a mountain, when passing a certain altitude, has snow that never melts.

What is the Snow Line?


This religious saying is said quite frequently when a person has a cold or allergies.

What is “God Bless You”?


This Supreme Court Case mandated an arrested person’s Miranda Rights.

What was Miranda v. Arizona?


The Coffee beverage that many people drink is made from this bean.

What is the Coffee Bean?


In “Twelfth Night”, this character cross-dresses in order to gain entry into Duke Orsino’s court.

Who was Viola?


Ibn Battuta on his explorations crossed this mountain range to find the Delhi Sultanate.

What is the Hindu-Kush?


This popular medicine brand always focuses on, “Getting you back to normal”.

What is Tylenol?


This Supreme Court Case during the Red Scare of the 1920’s stated that the U.S government during times of war can restrict your civil liberties.

What was Schenck v. United States?


This chemical in Coffee is responsible for giving people that much needed kick in energy.

What is Caffeine?


When this was constructed in 1598, it served as the stage for many of Shakespeare’s famous plays until a fire burned it to the ground in 1613.

What was the Globe Theatre?