Modifications of landscapes by human cultures.
What is possibilism?
Specialty coffee shops across the U.S. in the 1990's.
What is hierarchical diffusion?
Global, World Regional, National, National Regional, & Local are all types of this.
What is scale of analysis?
Any area that can be grouped together based on common characteristics.
What is a region?
This map projection is more accurate than a Mercator projection in showing sizes of countries.
Walk around the fountain and continue on the path along the lake,
What is relative location?
Crafters in Germany developed new methods of making porcelain after viewing porcelain made in China.
What is stimulus diffusion?
What type of scale is shown by this map?
What is regional?
A region where rainfall flows downhill into the same body of water.
What is a functional region?
The size and shape of countries is greatly exaggerated.
What is Mercator.
What is sustainability?
Taylor Swift endorses a presidential candidate and 405,999 people register to vote in 24 hours.
What is hierarchical diffusion?
What scale is represented on a map showing towns and townships areas in a county?
What is local?
The American West & the American Midwest.
What is a vernacular region?
What type of map is shown?
What is a reference map?
Native American children being taught English and girls being taught how to be homemakers.
What is assimilation?
The Spanish brought Christianity to the Philippines.
What is relocation diffusion?
A data chart on median household income is presented by.
What is scale of analysis?
Regions that make up the political divisions within a country.
What is a formal region?
What is a 3D object displayed on a 2D page?
A marketing firm will use this data to seek lifestyle characteristics in the U.S.
What is zip codes?
A town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale.
What is the town seen in more detail/closer up?
Uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics.
What is a formal region?
What type of map is shown?
What is a chloropleth map?