Human-Environmental Interactions
Regions and Regionalization
Map Types and Projections
Maps and Spatial Patterns
Grab Bag

Use of the Earth's resources in ways that ensure their availability for future generations to use.

What is sustainability?


An area defined by official boundaries that is created on the basis of one or more shared characteristics.

What is a formal region?


Illustrations used in books and advertisements to show specific locations mentioned in the text.

What are locator maps?


The science of mapmaking.

What is a cartography?


Left, right, forward, backward, up, down, etc., are examples of this.

What is relative direction?


This is a geographic approach that emphasizes human-environment relationships.

What is cultural ecology?


An area organized around a node or focal point and defined by an activity that occurs across the region.

What is a functional region?

Maps that use colors, shades, or patterns to show the location and distribution of spatial data.

What are choropleth maps?


The process of capturing images of Earth's surface from airborne platforms such as satellites or airplanes.

What is remote sensing?


South Park is five minutes away is an example of this.

What is relative distance?


The theory that the environmental conditions in a place can limit its culture but that culture is primarily determined by social conditions.

What is possibilism?


These are also known as vernacular regions.

What are perceptual regions?


Maps where the sizes of places are shown according to some specific statistic.

What are cartograms?


A computer system that captures, stores, analyzes, and displays geographic data.

What is a Geographic Information System (GIS)?

An example of this is that you can find Monterrey about six hours northeast of Mexico City and three hours south of Laredo.

What is relative location?


A philosophy that states that human behaviors and culture are a direct result of the surrounding environment?

What is environmental determinism?


The Middle East is an example of this type of region.

What is a perceptual or vernacular region?


This map projection distorts the true size of land masses but is excellent of navigation.

What is the Mercator Projection?


Data associated with mathematical models and statistical techniques (more factual than opinion-based).

What is quantitative data?


This is how often or how much something occurs within a space.

What is density?


An example of this would be humans changing nature to fit the needs of their society.

What is possiblism?


An example of this region type is the Corn Belt, a region in the Midwestern USA where corn is the dominant agricultural product.

What is a formal region?


This map slightly distorts area, size, shape, and direction, but its oval shape hides the severity of those distortions.

What is a Robinson Projection?


The reduction in time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as the result of improved communication and transportation technologies.

What time-space compression?


The theory that the interaction (flow of goods, people) between two places decreases as the distance between them increases.

What is distance decay?