Material Culture VS Non Material Culture
Material Culture is things you can physically use and see that reflects one society/group. Non Material culture are things you can't see but experience that reflects one society/group.
Different Variations of a language spoken by a specific gorup/community.
extinct language
A language that not longer existed and eventually the culture within it will eventually die out as well.
cultural appropriation
one culture adopts elements of another culture without understanding their significance but respecting.
What language went extinct but revived
Folk Culture Vs Pop Culture
Pop culture are things that are popular and prevalent in society that are often seen on a daily basis, they are diversified through a large audience. ex- TikTok, McDonalds, Nike. Folk Culture are more localized cultural practices that are often in smaller communities and usually in a Ethnic Culture.
isolated language
a language that hasn't relocated and stayed within the hearth of of where it is at. Very small and not well known
different cultures live together in one place
Allah represents which religion
Ethnocentrism is the Idea that one's culture is better than another culture and they don't value the other culture as highly as theirs. Culture Relativism is you value the other culture and you understand their importance and think they're equal with all other cultures.
ETHNO=NARCISSISTIC Relativism= Relative to Us
Lingua franca
Common Language used in an area between speakers
monotheism vs polytheism
mono is the belief of one God and Polytheism is the belief of more than one God
Cultural Convergence vs Cultural Divergence
Cultural Convergence is when cultural are combined and are starting to become the more alike/same. Ex- Fast food in China like McDonalds
Cultural Divergence are when Cultures become more different overtime because they ''divert''
religion site you travel to in order to pay respect to the religion
Sequent Occupance Vs Ethic Neighborhood
SC is different cultural groups that have modified a certain area overtime leaving their make having a distinct layer of history. EN is different towns or cities each having their own cultural uniqueness due to the cultural background being put in each area. Ex- Little Italy.
different languages and combining them to get something new that is easier to understand
pidgin language
a language that is simplified so it is easier to communicate and understand
pidgin language
a language that is simplified so it is easier to communicate
tree trunk, branches, leaves, what do they represent
trunk= language family
branch=language branch
leaves=language group
Centripetal Forces vs Centrifugal Forces
Centripetal are factors or elements that bring a group of people together promoting unity. Centrifugal is factors that separate a group of people creating diversion
Doctrine that everything has a natural soul
Marganianization vs Separation
Marganiaization is where you reject both your home and host culture. Separation is where you don't accept the host culture and still continues your old culture ways.
Assimilation vs Integration
Assimilation is where you blend into the new culture slowly forgetting your old culture
Integration is you blend into your new culture while keeping your old culture
government influenced by religion