The company code for this entity is 0098
What is Ohio Refining Company?
This vendor has the following logo (Image)
Who is Sunbelt Rentals?
This phrase is commonly shortened to RTV
What is Return To Vendor?
This T-Code has a transaction description of Display Vendor (Accounting)
What is FK03?
This project includes offshore assets off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador
What is the West White Rose Project?
This company code is for Lima Refining Company
What is cc 0076?
This vendor uses the following invoice (Image)
Who is Bartle & Gibson co. ltd.?
This internal department's full name is commonly shortened to SSC
What is SCM Service Center?
FBL1N is the code for this transaction description
What is Vendor Line Items?
This 100% owned project is located 330 KM northeast of edmonton on the Cold Lake Air Weapons Range, an active military base
What is Foster Creek?
This company code is for Cenovus Energy US LLC
What is cc 0214?
This vendor uses the following invoice (Image)
Who is Charter Brokerage Canada Corp?
This file type is commonly shortened to PDF
What is a Portable Document Format?
This transaction description describes code Z_VIM_COA
What is Chart of Authority?
This refinery is the largest producer of paving asphalt in Western Canada
What is the Lloydminster Refinery?
The company code for this entity is 0016
What is Husky Energy Marketing Partnership?
This vendor has the following logo (Image)
Who is WESCO Distribution?
This acronym refers to a drilling technique used to extract heavy crude oil with the use of steam and gravity.
What is SAGD or Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage?
One would use this T-Code to search and display a Cost Center
What is KS03?
This refinery in the U.S. underwent a crude oil flexibility project in 2019 to provide the flexibility of switching between light and heavy crude oil feedstock. It also completed a turnaround this year
What is the Lima Refinery?
The company code for this entity is 0118
What is Husky (US) GPC Inc.?
This vendor's slogan is "We Make Energy Flow"
Who is MRC Global?
This SAP application is shortened to ECC
What is ERP Central Component?
This is the T-code for VIM Workplace (must be exact)
What is /OPT/VIM_WP?
This is a field or project Cenovus owns a stake of in China (name any)
What is the Liwan Gas Project/Liwan, Liuhua, Gaolan Gas Terminal, Pearl River Mouth Basin?