This kind of behavior in the lab prevents dangerous situations.
Responsible Behavior
List 2 types of safety equipment that may be used in the lab.
Gloves, goggles or aprons
True or False: Gloves must be worn during any specimen dissection.
At the end of any lab your table should look...
All specimens must be handled using...
If you don'd understand the procedure you should...
Ask the teacher
What tool is used to start an incision?
True or false: You may pour any excess preservative fluid down the drain.
You nick yourself during a dissection and it is not bleeding. What should you do?
Alert Ms. Orellana and wash your hands.
You can get your lab equipment when...
What tool is used for extending a cut, or cutting through tough tissues?
Can you conduct additional experiments when you have finished your lab procedure?
No, unless it has been pre-approved by Ms. Orellana
True or false: Dry labs do not require any post-lab clean up.
What might happen if food is left near a specimen?
Contamination of the food.
Before starting a lab you should...
Read the procedures
Where is Ms. Orellana's Eye Wash station?
Back of the room on the door side
Where should your person items be during a lab?
Under your desk or away from lab tables.
Materials that come into contact bodily fluids such as blood must be thrown away in a...
Biohazard container
Why should you avoid using a scalpel for extended cuts, or cuts through tough tissue?
It is more dangerous than scissors if the blade slips.
What type of clothing should be worn during lab?
Closed-toed shoes, long pants, long hair tied up
What is the formal name of this tool?
How should you handle all preserved specimens?
Handle with respect
How do you clean a dissection station?
An improper cut causes a tray to flip over and now the student has preservative in their eyes. What should the student immediately do?
Use the eye wash station. (Partner alerts Ms. Orellana)