using words, gestures, images, etc. to deliberately convey a message
What is rhetoric?
Our room number
What is room 306?
Famous baseball player diagnosed with ALS
Who is Lou Gehrig?
our school principal
Who is Ms. McAnarney?
speaker/ writer credibility
What is ethos?
This is the type of essay where you analyze a writer or speaker's rhetorical choices/ moves.
What is rhetorical analysis?
Ms. Johnston's pets
What are cats?
a poet who told graduates she wished them uncertainty
Who is Rita Dove?
When our school opened
What is 1997?
logic, facts, statistics, reasoning
What is logos?
This is the type of essay where you take your own stance and use your own evidence to answer the prompt.
What is argument?
Ms. Johnston's birth month
What is August?
the name of our SPACECAT mascot
A student-led group who helps students with their writing during ECT time and after school in the library
What is the The Firebird Writing Center?
What is pathos?
This type of essay is an argument essay where you use sources provided to you within the prompt.
What is synthesis writing?
Ms. Johnston has 7 of these
The acronym we use to help us rhetorically analyze a piece
D's dog's name
Who is Wayne?
the time period and setting of a piece
What is context?
As Ms. Johnston says, ________ means analyze the prompt, not agony and pain.
One of Ms. Johnston's favorite movies
What is What About Bob?
What is CHORES?
Our school's head attendance secretary
Who is Ana Tuicakau?
the thing/moment that caused the writer or speaker to speak
What is exigence?