Multiple Choice
Rhetorical Analysis

The amount of time you have for the multiple-choice section of the exam.   

What is one hour (60 minutes)? 


The goal for the analysis essay is to examine how and why a writer makes choices to convey his/her ______. 

What is purpose or message? 


The main requirement of the argument essay is for the writer to do this 

What is take a position on the topic provided in the prompt?  

To synthesize means to do this 

What is draw ideas from multiple sources together to forma single argument


The date and time for the AP Lang Exam 

What is Tuesday, May 9th at 8 am? 


This many questions are on the multiple-choice part of the exam. 

What is 45 questions. 

The acronym we learned to apply to rhetorical analysis
What is SPACE CAT? 

The central claim means the same as this

What is a thesis statement?   


This many sources are required in the synthesis essay to score effectively in Row B of the rubric. 

What are 3 sources?


The highest score you can earn on an essay 

What is a 6? 

POE is not just a famous author's last name but an effective test strategy meaning this 

What is Process of Elimination 

The E in SPACE CAT stands for this. 

What is Exigence? 


Examples to support the claim or thesis are known as

What is evidence? 

Students can expect 15 minutes of reading time to explore this many sources for the synthesis essay 

What is at least six? 


The last sentence of the introduction paragraph is typically 

What is a thesis statement? 


LOTD is a strategy known as 

What is Letter of the Day? *remember do not leave anything blank! 


When analyzing a writer's word choice or ________, it is important to describe the choice with an adjective to avoid empty or vague analysis. 

What is diction? 


Writer's generate evidence to support their claim/s for the argument essay from any of these areas (name at least three) 

What are literature, observations/experiences, history, current events, religion, science, pop culture/entertainment, imaginary/anecdotal?  

Writers may structure their synthesis essay to include evidence from two sources to support their claim and one source to do provide this 

What is a counterclaim or counter-argument? 


In order to receive the thesis point, the thesis must be 

What is defensible? 


There are five passages on the exam with these two types of multiple choice questions.  

What are Reading and Writing? 


The three points of the rhetorical triangle represent or mean 

speaker, audience, and purpose 


A short anecdote, a powerful call to action, or a last logical appeal could be effective writing choices to include in this paragraph of the argument essay 

What is the conclusion? 

*Remember, it's not necessary to just restate what you said in the intro. End on a powerful note to argue effectively. 


To effectively incorporate the sources and cite them in the synthesis essay, the writer can compare using the sources to this everyday, very social practice.

What is having a conversation? 

*remember to integrate the sources as if you are having a conversation with the sources rather than isolating the evidence from the rest of your argument.


The three scoring criteria on the AP Lang Essay Rubric (same for all three FRQs)

What are thesis, evidence & commentary, and sophistication?