Class Description and Goals
Academic Expectations
Grading Policies
Course Overview
AP Lang Standards

What is the name of this course? 

AP English Language and Composition 


What materials do you need to bring to class? 

Writing Utensils (pen or pencil), composition notebook, & Folder for AP Lang


What happens if I turn in late work?

10% off assignment (unless communicated with teacher for extension 48 hours in advance)


How many units are there in this class? 

6 units


What are the 4 main category standards in AP Lang?

Rhetorical Situation, Claims and Evidence, Reasoning and Organization, Style


What is one of our community goals for this year?

-develop critical consciousness 

-support liberation for all groups of people

-amplify the work of BIPOC leaders, activists, resistance movements


What do you need to do at the beginning of class? 

  • Grab a Do-Now and Materials from Gold Bin and complete Do Now

  • Sit in assigned seat and put extra materials away. 

  • Take out homework (if applicable)


What happens if you are absent?

You can collect materials from the hanging folder or google classroom. You will receive one extra day of worktime per day absent. It is your responsibility to check in with teacher/peer for absent work.


What is the title of unit 1? 

Intro to Argument


What is RHS-1B?

Explain how an argument demonstrates understanding of an audience's beliefs, values, or need.


When are Ms. Morgan's office hours? 

Wednesdays 3:15-3:45 pm


What do you need to do at the end of class? 

  • Clean up materials 

  • Stay in your seat until the bell rings 

  • Complete exit ticket


Is extra credit offered? 

No, extra credit is not offered anymore at UIC. You will have the opportunity to retake or make revisions to major assignments.


How many essays should you expect to write this year?

Minimum 2 rhetorical analysis essays, 2 argumentative essays, 2 synthesis essays, and in class timed essays

What is CLE-4C?

Qualify a claim using modifiers, counterarguments, or alternative perspective


What is this course designed to do?

Introduce students to college-level argumentative writing and analysis, the rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise.


What happens if I plagiarize or use AI?

50% on assignment, tier 2 behavior log, and parent contact


How often do I update the gradebook? 

Every week (ideally) 


When is the AP Lang exam?

Wednesday, May 14th


What is the REO standard category assessing?

Developing how an argument is strong and being able to develop your own strong argument. Being able to understand a writer's line of reasoning and claims through that text's organization and integration of evidence as well as then being able to produce that 


True or false: This class is considered writing intensive. 


What is the difference between a progress check and a proficiency assessment (the 2 categories that make up your grade)? 

Progress checks are shorter things like notes, close reading annotations,  short writing assignments, do nows, and exit tickets. They are worth fewer points than proficiency assessments like projects and essays. 


How can I resubmit an assessment? 

On writing revision days with changes highlighted. 


What important thing does the last unit prepare you for and have you complete?

A rough draft of your college application essay.


What is STL-7C?

Explain how grammar and mechanics contribute to the clarity and effectiveness of an argument