
Called "the Lady with the Lamp," she is known for founding modern nursing and reforming health care.

Who is Florence Nightingale?

(history.com, The Nerdy Nurse)


This refers to an extremely painful burden that causes suffering, anxiety, and guilt. It also symbolizes mockery and the pain that it causes others.

What is "crown of thorns"?



With the subtitle The Modern Prometheus, this novel was written by Mary Shelley during a thunderstorm.

What is Frankenstein?

(history.com, BBC, web.colby.edu)


This first part of an epic poem describes how each type of sin prevents people from journeying towards God.

What is Dante's Inferno?

(Wikipedia, SparkNotes, Shmoop)


From the first book of the Bible, this story takes place after Adam and Eve are cast out of the Garden of Eden.

What is Cain and Abel?

(christianity.com, cross-ref-it.info)


This story signifies someone who has concerns rooted in truth that are completely disregarded by others.

What is Cassandra?

(Wikipedia, Britannica)


 A series of 48 biographies of famous men. The author pairs these men to show and compare their greatest strengths and weaknesses.

What is Plutarch's Lives?


What is Plutarch's Parallel Lives?

(Smithsonian Magazine, Wikipedia, Britannica, OLL Liberty Fund)


This character symbolizes humanity’s search for scientific knowledge and the gift of knowledge and intelligence. He also symbolizes how the search for knowledge risks unintended consequences.

Who is Prometheus?

(Britannica, SymbolSage)


This phrase comes from a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge called "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" about a mariner whose ship gets stuck in the ice in the North Pole.

What is "albatross around one's neck"?

(British Library, phrases.org)


This person is portrayed as a seductive, mysterious, and beautiful woman who uses her charms to lead her lovers into traps or to manipulate them into doing what they want.

Who is Cleopatra?
