What is AP Lit?
AP Lit Class
AP Lit & Comp TEST
For what does "A. P." stand?
What is "Advanced Placement because you may qualify for college credit. In Mrs. B's lexicon it stands for "attack the prompt" because that is the most important part of writing an analysis essay.
What can I expect to do in this class?
What is engage in critical reading analytical writing.
What is the date of the 2013 AP Lit test?
What is May 9th.
Is AP Lit primarily involved with British, American, or World literature?
What is all of the above. Unlike your peers in 12th grade English, you will be reading authors from the "literary canon."
Do we do a lot of writing in A.P Literature and Composition?
What is of course! We will write one each of the tested essays---Poetry Analysis, Prose Analysis, and Open Response--- each quarter. In addition, we will write a couple essays each quarter on a specific reading. We will also write some "paragraph analyses," which are basically an intro to an essay that never gets developed.
What is the "open essay"?
What is a 40-minute essay on a literary topic that ETS provides, supported by your own reading. There is the dreaded AP book list that will provide a list of books that have been used in the past.
Are we allowed to have food and drinks in this classroom?
What is within reason! A small snack is not a problem. Ordering a pizza is! A cookie is OK; a huge cake is not! Water is good for you. Sticky soda on the floors not!
How much will the AP Lit test cost?
What is $89.00.
Will we read many any nonfiction this year?
What is the primary focus of AP Lit is "imaginative literature" meaning fiction. We will, however, read a few support essays that are nonfiction.
How much time do we have to write an in class essay?
What is forty minutes. You must write three essays on the A.P. test which equates to forty minutes a piece. This time is intended to prepare you for the test.
What is one rumor you have heard about the A.P. Literature and Composition class?
What happens if I miss class?
What is it is your responsibility to make up all missed work. You will find my website to be very helpful. Make sure you check with a classmate or send me an email. You have one "grace day" for minor assignments; major assignments must be turned in on the day due.
How long do I have to complete the multiple-choice portion of the AP test?
What is one hour.
Will we read many novels this year?
What is at least one per quarter.
How do you teach the writing process?
What is the "Toulmin Method." You must become experts at analysis then follow a rather simple formula for setting up your essay.
What strategies should I use for formulating a title for my timed essays?
What is none! Do not waste your time with a title. They can often be distracting and will gain no credit.
What is the format for our classes?
What is "chunk and chew." I give you a "chunk" of information---either in notes or in a reading. You "chew" on this information to come up with knowledge. Everyone works towards a common goal. No hitchhikers!!!
In the "Analysis of Poetry" portion of the A.P. test, what will you be asked to do?
What is write an essay in which you analyze a poem.
Is there a particular author that we will focus on more than others?
What is William Shakespeare! Mrs. B LOVES Shakespeare! She also loves James Joyce! ;)
Can I just watch the movies rather than reading all those novels for the essays?
What is NO! The movie may provide you with the plot of a novel, but it will not help you analyze writer's style, purpose, narrative voice, etc.
How many essays will I have to write each quarter?
What is lots! We will write at least one prose analysis, one poetry analysis, and one "open" essay each quarter. In addition, we write two or three essay related to our literature selections.
ARe we able to use our "BYOT" devices?
What is of course! However, I do not tolerate distracting misuse of personal devices.
How many points are deducted for an in correctly answered on the Multiple Choice portion of the test.
What is none. Beginning in May 2011, total scores have been based on the number of questions answered correctly. POints are no longer deducted for incorrect answers. No points are awarded for unanswered questions.
Will we read a novel for our end of the year research paper?
What is The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien, a novel about the Viet Nam war that blurs the line between fiction and nonfiction.
Do grammar and spelling count on the A.P. test?
What is somewhat. Good grammar and correct spelling are always important. The scoring guidelines state that poorly written essays will not receive an upper-level score. However, the folks at ETF do consider the essay to be a rough draft.