"We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks
What is a ballad?
"... but catching Cortez/was like reaching for a star."
What is a simile?
"I have done it again/One year in every ten"
What is a masculine rhyme?
"The whole eye/Fastened on on hawk, gatherings of cloud or stars,/So little trespass."...
What is enjambment?
a poem about dawn, a morning love song, or a poem about the parting of lovers at dawn
What is an aubade?
"The Lake" by Sophie Cabot Black
What is a pastoral?
"And drawn white gloves on her small brown hands,/ And white shoes on her feet."
What is a symbol?
"We lurk late./ We strike straight."
What is alliteration?
"to spirit the three, or the four, or the five, or/ as many would fit in the car to the party."
What is polysyndeton?
An exalted poem written about a dignified, lofty subject.
What is an ode?
"The Cambridge Ladies..." by e.e. cummings
What is a sonnet?
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
What is a metonymy?
"The grave cave ate..."
What is assonance?
"...and guarded their young with candles/for los santos, housework, triple-locked doors/, jars of tinted water, fierce arm-pinches.'
What is asyndeton?
A highly specialized French verse form with 19 lines divided into 5 tercets and 1 quatrain. Line 1 is repeated exactly in lines 6, 12, and 18, while line 3 is repeated exactly in lines 9, 15, and 19.
What is a Villanelle?
"One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop
What is a villanelle?
"I see a wrinkle speak/of a man whose body serves/the ants..."
What is personification?
"Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising/...(Like to the lark at break of day arising)"
What is a feminine rhyme?
"of boys growing old, going bad, making good,/leaving home..."
What is parallelism?
The most widely used type of poem. Common elements include limited length, intense subjectivity, personal expression of the emotions and thoughts of one speaker, imaginative expression, and regular rhyme scheme.
What is a lyric?
"My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning
What is a dramatic monologue?
"There is a charge, a very large charge/For a word or a touch/Or a bit of blood..."
What is a pun?
"That hills and valleys, dales, and fields"
What is consonance?
"This shaking keeps me steady."
What is a paradox?