Point of View
Literary Terms
And More Literary Terms
And yet some more terms
Narrative mode where a story is narrated by one character at a time who uses "I"
What is first person POV
A structural division in poetry
What is a stanza
Big, bad, barking dog.
What is alliteration
A story in which one or more stories are told.
What is a frame story
This type of character undergoes many changes in development
What is a dynamic character
POV in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters
What is third person omniscient
A strong pause in a line of poetry
What is a caesura
"It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles And see the great Achilles, whom we knew."
What is allusion
"Life's but a walking shadow" is an example of
What is metaphor
"the whole pageantry of the year was awake, tingling near the edge of the sea concerned with itself
What is personification
POV in which the narrator knows only the thoughts and feelings of a single character
What is third person limited
When the narrator addresses someone or something not actually present
What is apostrophe
The substitution of a part for the whole
What is a Synecdoche
"the white house" instead of "the president"
What is metonymy
A literary form in which the style of an author or particular work is mocked for the sake of comic effect
What is a parody
As the girl walked up the hill, she realized that the atmosphere was just too quiet. The cardinal tipped his head back and drew breath to sing, but just as the first note passed his beak he heard the crack of a dead branch far below his perch high in the maple tree.. As the man saw her start up the hill, he moved quickly into the shelter of the huge old maple tree. If she saw him now, everything would be ruined. She thought she saw a shadow move high up on the slope, but when she looked again it was gone. The man thought if he could stay hidden until she came within range, she'd have to talk to him. Wouldn't she? The girl shuddered as she felt a silent threat pass over her. It felt like a cloud creeping over the sun.
What is third person omniscient
The name of a poem that has 3 quatrains and ends with a rhyming couplet
What is Shakespearean sonnet
Laertes is Hamlet's
What is foil
"My only love sprung from my only hate!" is an example of
What is paradox
The audience knowing something that the characters do not know
What is dramatic irony
The presentation of the character's thoughts and sense impressions in a lifelike fashion—not in a sequence arranged by logic, but mingled randomly
What is stream of consciousness
The meter in this poem: Tyger! Tyger! burning bright,  ?In the forests of the night, ?
What is trochaic
Let me count my loves of thee, my rose garden, my heart, my fixed mark, my beginning and my end.
What is a conceit
A recurring image, word, phrase, represented object that unifies a literary work
What is a motif
"Without a dream, without faith, without hope, there is nothing."
What is parallelism OR anaphora