American Rev
French Rev
Latin American Revs
Haitian Rev
Industrial Rev
Unification and Independence movements

Jefferson, Madison and Washington had these three things in common.

What are they were white men who owned enslaved people and were from Virginia colony? 


The Royal family of King Louis XVI.

Who were the Bourbon Dynasty? 


These revolutionary movements were largely led by and most beneficial to this social class whose descendants had come from Spain originally. 

Who were the Creoles? 


The Haitian Revolution differed from other revolutions of this era for this main reason. 

What is was led by free and formerly enslaved people of color, both mixed race and non mixed race?


Navigable rivers, a large population, a limited monarchy, freedom from Papal authority, an extensive empire for raw materials, inventors and urbanization were all reasons the Industrial Revolution began here. 

What is the United Kingdom? 


A group, person, or idea) favoring or implementing social reform, change or new, liberal ideas

What is progressive?


Led by Prussia in the mid 19th century and achieved through wars, diplomacy, alliances and strong leadership. 

What was German unification?


Jefferson altered this philosophers belief in the natural rights of men to be this instead, as it is written in the Declaration of Independence. 

What are "Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"?


The Estates that didn't pay taxes. 

Who were the first and second estates? 


He is often referred to as the Liberator for northern South America and parts of Central America, and authored the Jamaica letter during his self-imposed exile. 

Who was Simon Bolivar?

French colonial name of Haiti and the name of the island where it is located. 

What are Saint Domingue and Hispaniola? 


Steam power. 

Who was James Watt?


To disagree with the majority opinion or belief

What is dissent?


The Papal States were the final holdout of unification for this  country. 

What was Italy?


This issue almost ended the negotiations for the Constitutional Convention in 1789 in Philadelphia, and would lead to the Civil War in the United States from 1861-1865. 

What is slavery?


Two reasons why Queen Marie Antoinette was very unpopular with the French people in the early years of her marriage to King Louis XVI. 

What are that she was Austrian and they did not produce an heir until 7 years into their marriage. 


These two groups of people benefitted the least in the Latin American revolutions. 

Who were indigenous peoples and slaves?


He was a formerly enslaved leader of the Haitian Revolution that had bought his freedom and become a plantation owner as well. He studied military history and trained the Maroons and formerly enslaved people into an effective army that defeated the French. 

Who was Toussaint L'ouverture? 


Cotton gin and gun factories in the United States. 

Who was Eli Whitney? 


A small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics; often factions split off and become their own independent party

What are factions? 


This Prussian Chancellor liked to get things done through warfare, and led German unification. 

Who was Otto von Bismarck?


In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson's list of complaints against the King include arming these people that he considered savage and subhuman. 

Who were Native Americans?


Initially the French Revolution set out to create this type of government, similar to that in the UK. When the royal family tried to escape France, hopes of that ended and the Radical phase of the Revolution began. 

What is a constitutional/limited/parliamentary monarchy? 


This Latin American country didn't really have a revolution, instead making a Portuguese prince their king, which held the hierarchy in place preventing revolution and keeping slavery here until 1888. 

What is Brazil?


Haiti was forced to sign indemnity (loans to payoff debts) agreements in 1825 after winning their independence from France. This does not make actual sense because...

What is they were the winners, and the winners usually gain, not pay at the end of the war. Because they were a black republic they were rejected (not recognized) by the UK, United States and other nations. The French had their gunboats pointed at Haiti in 1825 forcing them to sign these loans at extremely high interests to banks from France and the United States. It was completely racist. 


Pre-industrial method of production of goods, within the home. 

What is the cottage system? 


Slogan of the French Revolution; Freedom, equality, brotherhood

What are liberty, equality and fraternity?


This Asian, archipelago Spanish colony also sought independence and autonomy at the end of the 19th century. One of their leaders was Jose Rizal, and he was executed by Spanish colonial authorities. 

What are the Philippines? 


Approximately this portion of the American colonial population actively supported the American Revolution. 

What was 1/3 of the population?


He was the radical leader of the Reign of Terror, and he would be one of its last victims. 

Who was Maximillian Robespierre? 


This Latin American revolution occurred from 1810-1820 and was initiated by Father Miguel Hidalgo. It too was complicated by civil wars, factions, and the Napoleonic Wars. 

What is Mexico?


This is the reason leaders in the United States at the time of the Haitian Revolution were terrified (because revolutions are in fact, contagious). 

What is they were terrified that it would inspire slave revolts in the United States? (it did)


Textile technology that revolutionized the textile industry, invented by Hargreaves. 

What is the spinning jenny? 


Great wealth, luxury and expense

What is opulence?


Two main motivations to unify Italy and Germany in the mid 19th century was to be able to achieve this and obtain this, as other European nations had done. 

What is to industrialize (they needed to combine and unify their populations and resources) and to gain an empire (also to gain natural resources, labor sources, military posts, and markets to resell finished products)? 


The United States started a war (and would win) with this country in 1846 - taking the northern half which included California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado. 

What is Mexico? 


He was considered a savior of the French Revolution after the reign of terror with his victories against the counter-revolutionaries and his victories against the Austrians in Northern Italy. 

Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? 


She was a leader for Puerto Rican independence at the end of the 19th century. 

Who was Lola Rodriguez?


These were the communities of people who escaped their slavery and lived in the mountains where they were not recaptured. These people were also trained and very effective soldiers in Haitian independence. 

Who were the Maroons? 


He is credited with bringing the first plans for a textile factory in the United States by sneaking out of England and memorizing the plans to build one in New England. 

Who was Samuel Slater? 


to step down from a royal position; to give up one's throne

What is abdicate?


This religious institution remained powerful in Latin America, the Philippines and Italy - even though it lost power elsewhere. 

What was the Roman Catholic Church?