Is this a diminished triad? Yes or no.
E - G - B-flat
This is one attempt only question.
Is this an augmented triad? Yes or no.
F - A - C#
This is one attempt only question.
What scale is this?
Root and quality must be provided.
C major scale
What is a major triad starting on A?
A - C# - E
Which city is often referred to as the birthplace of jazz?
New Orleans
What kind of diminished chord is this?
C - E-flat - G-flat
(triad, half diminished, or fully diminished)
Diminished Triad
Is this an augmented triad? Yes or no.
E - G# - B
This is one attempt only question.
What scale is this?
D -E -F -G -A - Bflat - C# - D
Root and quality must be provided.
D harmonic minor scale
What is a major 7th chord starting on C?
C - E - G - B
What is the best selling album of all time?
Thriller by Michael Jackson
What kind of diminished chord is this? This is a one attempt only question.
D - F - A-flat - C
(triad, half diminished, or fully diminished)
Half diminished 7th chord
What is an augmented triad starting on C?
C - E - G#
What scale is this?
A - B - C - D - E - F# - G# - A (ascending)
A - B - C -D - E - F - G - A (descending)
Root and quality must be provided.
A melodic minor
What is a dominant seventh chord starting on G?
G - B - D - F
Billie Eilish is the youngest person to win two Oscars. What songs did she win each award for?
She won her first Oscar for "No Time to Die" from No Time to Die and "What Was I Made For?" from Barbie.
What is a diminished triad starting on E?
E - G - B-flat
What is an augmented triad starting on B-flat?
B-flat - D - F#
What scale is this?
B - C# - D - E - F# G - A# - B
Root and quality must be provided.
B harmonic minor scale
What is a minor 7th chord starting on F?
F - A-flat - C -E-flat
SPELLING! Choose one person to go to the board to spell the word given to you by Mr. McCutchon.
(if another team attempts to steal the points, it will be a new word)
What is a diminished triad starting on E-flat?
E-flat - G-flat - B double-flat
What is an augmented triad starting on G#?
G# - B# - DX
E-flat - F - G - B-flat - C
E-flat pentatonic scale
What is a major triad in 2nd inversion starting on D?
A - D - F#
Fill in the blank lyrics...
Bonus points if you sing it!
I see a little silhouetto of a man,
Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening me
_______________ _________________
_______________ _________________
_______________ _________________
(this may be award full or half points at Mr. McCutchon's discretion)
Galileo galileo
Galileo galileo
Galileo figaro MAGNIFICO!