V chords typical want to resolve to this chord
What is I?
This Major key has 2 Sharps.
What is D Major?
The number associated with a first inversion triad.
What is 6?
A cadence that goes from V to I with the soprano ending on do and the last chord in root position.
What is a PAC?
The third scale degree.
What is the mediant?
Predominant chords are followed by this quality of chord.
What is a dominant chord?
This minor key has 4 flats.
What is f minor?
The numbers associated with a second Inversion triad
What is 6/4?
The cadence that goes from V to I bu has the soprano end on something other than do or the last chord in inversion.
What is an IAC?
A term that indicates that a passage is along the scale, not in leaps.
What is scalar, conjunct, or stepwise?
This chord acts as a tonic chord in a deceptive cadence.
What is a vi chord?
This Major Key has 5 sharps.
What is B Major?
The numbers associated with a first inversion seventh chord?
What is 6/5?
A cadence that ends on V
What is a half cadence?
What is a non-chord tone that moves stepwise away from a note then leaps to the next chord tone?
What is an escape tone?
This term refers to chord movement from tonic to predominant to dominant.
What is a chord progression?
This minor key has 7 sharps.
What is a# minor?
The numbers associated with a second inversion seventh chord.
What is 4/3?
A cadence that goes from I to IV to I.
What is a plagal or church or amen cadence?
What is a Melodic passage that repeats the same contour but changes the starting pitch for each iteration?
What is a sequence?
This term refers to a series of chords that do not follow standard chord rules.
What is a retrogression?
An accidental is often added to this scale degree in minor keys despite not being in the key signature.
What is scale degree 7 or the leading tone?
The numbers associated with a third inversion seventh chord.
What is 4/2 or 2?
A cadence that goes from iv6 to V in a minor key.
What is a Phrygian half cadence?
This chord tone is the second best option for doubling when part writing.
What is the fifth?