Name three types of clefs
Treble, Bass, Alto, Tenor, C - clef
What is an interval?
The distance between two pitches
What are the pitches in a D major scale?
D E F# G A B C# D
How many pitches are in a triad?
How do you find the name of a Major key with a sharped key signature?
Up a half step from the last sharp
Identify the note that is a whole step above C
Which intervals can be perfect?
unison, 4th, 5th, octave
What are the pitches in an A harmonic minor scale?
A B C D E F G# A
What pitches are in a G minor triad?
What is texture? What are the two ways that we typically describe texture?
How many instruments/parts are performing at once. Thick/Thin
What is the grouping of strong and weak beats in music? Give an example
Meter (Example would be specific meter like compound triple or time signature like 9/8)
how many half steps are in a perfect 4th?
What is the pattern of W and H steps in a natural minor scale?
What are the differences between major and minor triads?
Major Triad - M3, m3
Minor Triad - m3, M3
What is the figured bass for a seventh chord in second inversion?
What is the difference between naturals, sharps, and flats?
They are all accidentals - naturals cancel out any other accidentals, sharps raise a pitch a half step and flats lower a pitch a half step
What is the interval from A up to F#?
Major 6
What pitches (solfege or scale degrees) are found in the pentatonic scale?
Do Re Mi Sol La
1, 2, 3, 5, 6
How is a dominant chord constructed?
Mm7 - Major triad, with a minor 7 above the root
What is a motif?
A short musical phrase that caries throughout an entire composition.
What is a relative minor key?
The minor key that uses the same key signature as a particular major key, but begins on a different pitch (la, scale degree 6)
What is the interval from E to D - flat?
What are the pitches in a C melodic minor scale?
C D Eb F G A B C Bb Ab G F Eb D C
What the pitches, from lowest to highest in a B-flat Major 7th chord in third inversion?
A, Bb, D, F
What is the meter of this song?
compound duple