Newton's Laws
Circular Motion
FRQ Prompts

This is the initial velocity of a dropped object.  Consider up as the positive direction.

What is zero.


The sum of all the forces acting on an object.

What is net force?


This is the sum of kinetic and potential energies.

What is total mechanical energy.

This is the direction of the force that is required for an object to experience circular motion.

What is towards the center.


Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences.

What is Compare?


This is the acceleration of an object in freefall. Consider up as the positive direction.

What is -10 m/s/s


In a collision between a bug and a windshield, this force is the greater of the two.

What is the forces are equal.


This is the impact that doubling the velocity of an object has on kinetic energy.

What is quadrupling


This is the spot on the carousel where you will have the greatest tangential velocity.

What is the outside?


Perform mathematical steps to arrive at a final answer, including algebraic expressions, properly substituted numbers, and correct labeling of units and significant figures. Also phrased as “What is?”

What is Calculate?


This is what is the measurement of displacement describes.

What is change in position?


This is the result of doubling the mass and quadrupling the net force acting on an object.

What is doubling the acceleration?


This type of energy is greatest for a pendulum when it is at its greatest amplitude.

What is potential energy?
This is the force that is responsible for allowing a penny on a turntable rotating at a constant speed to exhibit circular.

What is friction


Provide evidence to support, qualify, or defend a claim; and/or provide reasoning to explain how that evidence supports or qualifies the claim.

What is Justify?


The horizontal velocity is always constant for this airborne object.

What is a projectile?


For an object at rest on an incline plane, this is the force that is balanced by mgsin(0).

What is Friction?


This is the result of work being done on a system.

What is a change in kinetic energy?


For a moon revolving around a planet, this is the mass that is not canceled for calculating the velocity of the moon.

What is the planet?


Use empirical data, observations, tests, or experiments to prove, confirm, and/or justify a hypothesis.

What is Verify?


This is the expression for the range of a projectile that is launched upwards at an angle theta with the horizontal axis at ground level and a speed of v expressed in terms of theta, v, and known variables.

What is delta x = 2cos0sin0v0^2/g


Two masses, m and 2m, are attached by a massless string that runs over a massless pulley.  The two masses are released from rest.  This is the acceleration of the system.

What is g/3?

This is the expression for the velocity of an object at the bottom of an inclined plane that is released from rest at a height h.  Express your answer in terms of h and known variables.

What is the square root of 2gh?


This is the expression for the minimum speed required for an object of mass m to complete a vertical circle of radius r.  Complete the expression in terms of m, r and known variables 

What is the square root of gr


Make a decision or arrive at a conclusion after reasoning, observation, or applying mathematical routines (calculations).

What is Determine?