Circular Motion

This is the acceleration at the very top point on the path of a projectile.

What is 9.8 m/s/s?


This is the Newton's 3rd law pair for the weight of an object on Earth.

What is the normal force?


This is the direction of the tension in a string when you twirl a ball in a circle above your head.

What is toward the center?


A position time graph that shows accelerated motion.

What is a curve?


They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen.

Who are stars?


This is the distance that a ball released from rest will fall over 2 seconds.

What is -20 meters?


This is the type of picture that can (should) be drawn for any dynamics problem.

What is a force diagram (free-body diagram)?


The force that provides the centripetal force needed for a car to round a flat curve and its direction.

What is friction and towards the center?


A velocity time graph that shows zero acceleration.

What is a line with zero slope?


In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! The color of the stairs is... 

What is not pink?


This is the value that can be found from the area under a velocity-time graph.

What is displacement?


This is what you do when you have a force at an angle.

What is draw a right triangle (do trig)?


The location when a rock on a string (spun in a vertical circle) has the highest amount of tension.

What is the bottom?


Finding displacement on a d/t graph.

What is read the y-axis?


If there are 3 apples and you take away 2, you end up with this many apples.

What is 2?


This is the type of acceleration that an object must have in order to be able to use the top three equations on your equation sheet.

What is constant acceleration?


If the mass of an object stays the same, but the acceleration of the object increases, Newton’s second law states that the force acting on the object should do this.

What is increase?


The centripetal force for a planet orbiting a star.

What is GMm/r2?


Finding the displacement on a v/t graph.

What is area under the curve?


You can start a fire if you have alcohol, petrol, kerosene, paper, candle, coke, a full matchbox and a piece of cotton wool. This is what you light first.

What is the match?


This is how long it will take a 5.0 kg object to reach a speed of 12 m/s when pushed with an applied force of 35 N. Assume there is no friction.

What is 1.7 seconds?


This is the normal force on a 10 kg object that is pushed with a downward force of 150 N at an angle of 25 degree angle.

What is 160 N?


The direction an object in circular motion goes when the force suddenly disappears.

What is tangent to that point?


Two velocity time graphs with a negative acceleration/

What are two lines with negative slope?


You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. You must be eating this food.

What is corn on the cob?