Work and Power
This is the acceleration at the very top point on the path of a projectile.
What is 9.8 m/s/s?
This is the Newton's 3rd law pair for the weight of an object on Earth.
What is the force the object pulling on the Earth?
This is the work done if you push a book using a force of 2 newtons exactly 1/2 meter.
What is 1 J?
Since momentum has both magnitude and direction it can be classified as this.
What is a vector?
Type of energy a moving car contains.
What is kinetic?
A rock is released from rest from the top of a very high cliff, and accelerates downward at g. This is the approximate distance the the rock travel in the first 7 seconds of its free-fall.
What is 245 m?
This is the type of picture that can (should) be drawn for any dynamics problem.
What is a free-body diagram?
This is rate at which work is done.
What is power?
This is the name we give for the change in momentum.
What is impulse?
Type of energy contained by a stretched spring or a ball at the top of a hill.
What is potential?
This is the value that can be found from the area under a velocity-time graph.
What is displacement?
This is the direction that kinetic friction acts on an object.
What is opposite of the motion?
This is the ability to do work.
What is energy?
This is the final velocity a 500 kg car that starts at rest will have after it is rear-ended by a 650 kg that is initially going 20 m/s. The cars lock together after they hit.
What is 11.3 m/s?
A 350 kg log rolls down a hill from a height of 25 m. If energy is conserved, what is the velocity of the log when it reaches the bottom of the hill?
What is 22 m/s?
This is the type of acceleration that an object must have in order to be able to use the top three equations on your equation sheet.
What is constant?
This is the direction of the tension in a string when you twirl a ball in a circle above your head.
What is toward the center?
If 52 watts of power are consumed in 13 seconds, this is about the maximum work done.
What is 680 joules?
A 5 kg loaded rifle is initially held at rest and then fired. The 0.05 kg bullet leaves the barrel at 450 m/s. This is the final momentum of the bullet-gun system.
What is zero?
The kinetic energy of a go-cart with a mass of 150 kilograms and a speed of 20.0 m/s
What is 30 kJ?
This is how long it will take a 5 kg object to hit the ground if dropped from rest at a height of 12.5 m. You can ignore air resistance.
What is 1.60 seconds?
This is the normal force on a 10 kg object that rests on an incline that makes a 25 degree angle with the horizontal.
What is 90.6 N?
An object is pushed across a frictionless surface with 27 N force directed downward at a 30 degree angle. If the object travels .75 m horizontally, this is the amount of work done.
What is 17.5 J?
This is the symbol used to represent momentum.
What is p?
A student fastens a 20-kilogram rock to one end of a seesaw, and sits down on the other end, raising the rock 1.5 meters above the ground. This is the potential energy of the rock at the new position.
What is 290 J?