Graphing Madness
Use the Force Luke
Projectile Motion
Grab Bag
Which of the following are vector quantities: Speed Velocity Distance Displacement Acceleration
Velocity Displacement Acceleration
The slope of a position time graph represents...
Draw a free body diagram for an object being pulled at an angle on a horizontal surface. Assume friction.
(see picture)
The vertical acceleration of a projectile just before it reaches it's highest point.
9.8 m/s/s
What are the two types of friction and when are each used?
Kinetic friction - object in motion Static friction - object not in motion
Inertia depends on this quantity
The slope of a velocity time graph represents...
Draw a free body diagram for a projectile thrown in the air (assume no air resistance)
(see picture)
The horizontal acceleration of a projectile just before it reaches it's highest point.
What is zero
A vector has a magnitude of 30 m and creates a 25 degree angle with the horizontal. What are the x and y components of the vector?
y: 12.68 m x: 27.19 m
You move east 55 meters, west 20 meters and east 5 meters. What is your displacement? What is your distance traveled?
Displacement - 40 meters east (Total distance traveled would have been 80 meters)
The area under the curve of a velocity vs time graph represents...
An object weighs 50 N and is pulled with 80 N to the right. The friction force is 20 N to the left. What is the acceleration of the object?
11.76 m/s2
The X and Y components of a velocity of 18 m/s at an angle of 50 degrees above the horizontal
X = 13.6 m/s Y = 11.6 m/s
A car travels 50 miles at 100 mph, and 50 miles at 50 mph. What is the average speed of the trip?
66.67 mph
The horizontal acceleration of a projectile just before it reaches it's highest point.
50 meters.
Draw a velocity time graph for an object thrown straight up into the air that is caught at the same height.
(see drawing)
A 20 N object is pulled at a constant velocity across a level floor. If the coefficient of friction is 0.3, what is the magnitude of the pulling force?
6 N
A projectile is shot at an angle of 20 degrees above the horizontal. What angle does the same projectile need to be shot at to the same range?
70 degrees -- the are complementary angles
You are in an elevator that is accelerating down and moving down. Your normal force compared compared to the normal force at rest is...
less than normal
A rocket travels 2.5 km at a constant acceleration of 20 m/s/s. It then cuts off its engines. Assuming gravity is constant the whole times, what is the maximum height reached by the rocket?
7.6 km
Draw a position time graph for an object that travels from rest at constant velocity for 5 seconds, stops for 2 seconds, and then accelerates back to it's initial position.
(see drawing)
A 10 kg object is at rest on a 30 degree incline. What is the magnitude of the frictional force?
49 N
A boat is trying to cross a river that flows with a current of -5 m/s. What direction and speed should the boat move so the resultant velocity is 10 m/s and perpendicular (straight across the river) to rivers motion?
11.2 m/s 63.4 degrees up river
A planet has an acceleration of 9.8 m/s2. If the radius of the planet is doubled, and the mass of the planet is also doubled, what is the new acceleration of the planet?
4.9 m/s2