Impulse-Momentum Theorem
Conservation of Momentum
Inelastic Collisions
Momentum & Collisions in 2D
Final Jeopardy

A 57 g tennis ball is served at 45 m/s. If the ball started from rest, what impulse was applied to the ball by the racket?

2.6 N*S


A 55 kg hunter, standing on frictionless ice, shoots a 42 g bullet at a speed of 620 m/s. What is the recoil speed of the hunter?

-0.47 m/s or 0.47 m/s backwards


A 71 kg baseball player jumps straight up to catch a hard-hit ball. If the 140 g ball is moving horizontally at 28 m/s, and the catch is made when the ballplayer is at the highest point of his leap, what is his speed immediately after stopping the ball?

5.5 cm/s or 0.55 m/s


One billiard ball is shot east at 2.00 m/s. A second, identical billiard ball is shot west at 1.00 m/s. The balls have a glancing collision, not a head-on collision, deflecting the second ball by 90° and sending it north at 1.41 m/s. What are the speed and direction of the first ball after the collision?

1.7 m/s , 50 degrees below horizontal


A motion sensor and a force sensor record the motion of a cart along a track, as shown above. The cart is given a push so that it moves toward the force sensor and then collides with it. The two sensors record the values shown in the following graphs. Determine the change in the cart's momentum during the collision from the data given.

0.6 N*s


A child is sliding on a sled at 1.5 m/s to the right. You stop the sled by pushing on it for 0.50 s in a direction opposite to its motion. If the mass of the child and sled is 35 kg, what average force do you need to apply to stop the sled? Use the concepts of impulse and momentum.

105 N (negative sign not necessary)


A 2.7 kg block of wood sits on a frictionless table. A 3.0 g bullet, fired horizontally at a speed of 500 m/s, goes completely through the block, emerging at a speed of 220 m/s. What is the speed of the block immediately after the bullet exits?

0.31 m/s


The parking brake on a 2000 kg Cadillac has failed, and it is rolling slowly, at 1 mph, toward a group of small children. Seeing the situation, you realize you have just enough time to drive your 1000 kg Volkswagen head-on into the Cadillac and save the children. With what speed should you impact the Cadillac to bring it to a halt?

2.0 mph or 0.89 m/s (negative sign not necessary)


A 20 g ball of clay traveling east at 3.0 m/s collides with a 30 g ball of clay traveling north at 2.0 m/s. What are the speed and the direction of the resulting 50 g blob of clay?

1.7 m/s 45 degrees above horizontal 


Far in space, where gravity is negligible, a 425 kg rocket traveling at 75.0 m/s in the positive x-direction fires its engines. Figure P9.40 shows the thrust force as a function of time. The mass lost by the rocket during these 30.0 s is negligible. What impulse does the engine impart to the rocket?

15000 N*s


A small, 100 g cart is moving at 1.20 m/s on a frictionless track when it collides with a larger, 1.00 kg cart at rest. After the collision, the small cart recoils at 0.850 m/s. What is the speed of the large cart after the collision?

0.205 m/s


Erica (36 kg) and Danny (47 kg) are bouncing on a trampoline. Just as Erica reaches the high point of her bounce, Danny is moving upward past her at 4.1 m/s. At that instant he grabs hold of her. What is their speed just after he grabs her?

2.3 m/s


Far in space, where gravity is negligible, a 425 kg rocket traveling at 75.0 m/s in the positive x-direction fires its engines. Figure P9.40 shows the thrust force as a function of time. The mass lost by the rocket during these 30.0 s is negligible. At what time does the rocket reach its maximum speed? What is the maximum speed? 

110 m/s


A 10,000 kg railroad car is rolling at 2.00 m/s when a 4000 kg load of gravel is suddenly dropped in. What is the car’s speed just after the gravel is loaded?

1.4 m/s


A 110 kg linebacker running at 2.0 m/s and an 82 kg quarter-back running at 3.0 m/s have a head-on collision in midair. The linebacker grabs and holds onto the quarterback. Who ends up moving forward after they hit?



A 60 g tennis ball with an initial speed of 32 m/s hits a wall and rebounds with the same speed. Figure P9.8 shows the force of the wall on the ball during the collision. What is the value of Fmax. the maximum value of the contact force during the collision? 

960 N


Solution on teacher packet


Three identical train cars, coupled together, are rolling east at 2.0 m/s. A fourth car traveling east at 4.0 m/s catches up with the three and couples to make a four-car train. A moment later, the train cars hit a fifth car that was at rest on the tracks, and it couples to make a five-car train. What is the speed of the five-car train?

2.0 m/s