Forces and Dynamics
Circular Motion and Gravitation
Impulse and Momentum

What is the difference between distance and displacement?

Distance covers everything and displacement only covers how far away you are from your original point


Does frictional force change as a moving object increases its speed?

It doesn’t change because the mass isn’t changing so the normal force isn’t changing and the frictional force is still the normal force x the coefficient


What is the difference between a horizontal circle and a vertical circle?

You will have constant speeds for a horizontal circle but you will have different speeds for a vertical circle


What is the total energy of a mechanical system? 

Kinetic energy + potential energy


What is always conserved in a collision?



You are assigned the task of calculating the acceleration due to gravity in a lab setting. Which equipment will you need to complete this task and how will you analyze the data you collect to have minimal error in your work. 

A measuring tape that is several meters long and a stopwatch. Drop a mass from a large height. Measure the time of fall and the height. Repeat multiple times. Change the height and repeat this again. Continue until you have at least eight to ten data points. Use graphical analysis to determine the acceleration. 


A box weighs 16 N on the moon where g= 1.6 m/s2. What is the weight of the box on Jupiter where the acceleration due to gravity is g= 25 m/s2?

250 N


What type of energy is always going away from a circle?



What are the two types of Potential Energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy and Elastic Potential Energy


In which type of collision is kinetic energy conserved in?

Elastic Collision


After soccer practice, Coach Miller goes to the roof of the school to retrieve the errant soccer balls. The height of the school is 3.5 meters. He kicks a soccer ball that leaves the roof with a horizontal velocity, but no vertical velocity. Ignoring air resistance, how much horizontal velocity is needed for the ball to reach the field which is 22 meters from the school?

26 m/s


Consider a block on a frictionless table attached to a hanging mass. If the mass of the block on the table was increased while keeping the hanging mass the same, how would this change the acceleration of the system? 

The acceleration would decrease because the net force acting on the system remains the same while the mass of the system increases. 


Imagine you are on the International Space Station which orbits at approximately 400 km above the surface of the Earth. What would be your weight on the ISS compared to your weight on Earth? (The radius of the Earth is 6,400 km)

89% of your wieght on Earth


A bodybuilder is in the midst of a an intense training session. He is currently bench pressing a bar with a mass of 250kg. If he does six reps of this mass and his arms are 0.75m long, how much work has been done on the bar between the time the bar was removed from its rack and placed back on the rack?

0 J


Two sumo wrestlers are in a match. At the start of the match, they both lunge at each other. They hit and miraculously come to a stand still. One wrestler was 200kg and traveling at a velocity of 2.3ms at the instance of collision. If the other wrestler was traveling at 2.9ms, what is his mass?

159 kg


Physics students are required to determine the total distance traveled by a stone. It is thrown straight up over the edge of the cliff that is 100.0 meters high with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s upward. What is the total distance traveled by the stone before hitting the ground?

122.5 meters


In a lab, you have a cart with the mass M being pulled along a track with negligible by a string that is hanging over a pulley at the edge of the lab table. There is a mass at the end of the string. What is the predicted acceleration of the system?



The charge on an electron is -1.6x10-19 C and the mass of an electron is 9.11x10-31 kg. What is the strength of the gravitational field at any point located 34 mm from the center of an electron.

5.3x10-38 N/kg


A car with a mass of 1500 kg is traveling down the road at a velocity of 30 m/s when it spots a bunny and the driver uses their brakes which apply a negative force of F = -10,000 N. How far does the car travel once the brakes are applied before coming to a stop?



In a billiards game, one player hits the cue ball towards another ball. The cue ball has a mass of 0.1kg and hits the other ball with a velocity of 2ms. If the collision is completely elastic and the cue ball travels with a velocity of 0.8ms after the collision, what is the mass and velocity of the other ball?

2.8 m/s, 0.043 kg


A marble is launched horizontally at 15 m/s from the top of a tall building. Assuming that air resistance is negligible what is the speed of the marble 2 seconds after it is launched? 

25 m/s


Consider a block of mass initially at rest. Four forces, as shown in the image below, are applied to the block. Note: An angle to the right is at 0o. An angle straight up is 90o. The angle to the left is 180o. An angle that is downwards is that of 270o. What is the net force acting on the box?

Fnet=√601F/30 at an angle of 101.8o


Goes-16 is a weather satellite that orbits the Earth at a distance of 5.6 Earth radii above the surface of the Earth. The average radius of the Earth is 6,400 km and Earth's mass is 6x1024 kg. What is the speed of Goes-16 in its orbit?

3,080 m/s


What kind of expression best indicates the amount of work done by gravity in moving an object of mass from infinity to the surface of a planet with mass and radius R?



A 3 kg cart is moving to the right a speed of 4 m/s and a 2 kg is moving to the left at a speed of 8 m/s. Friction is considered neglible in this experiment. After the collision the 3 kg cart is moving back to the left at 2 m/s. How much kinetic energy is lost during the inelastic collision?

81 J