Type of learning acquired by watching others (a.k.a., social learning).
Observational Learning
This is the type of conditioning which occurs when an animal learns to associate stimuli with an anticipated event.
Classical Conditioning
The type of conditioning which involves strengthening of behaviors followed by a reinforcer and diminishing of behaviors followed by a punisher
Operant Conditioning
The conscious attempt to alter and/or encourage the behavior of children, friends, family, self, animals through the negative/positive reinforcements and punishments
Behavioral modification
Experiment which found that toddlers who were able to resist eating a marshmallow for more than 5 minutes were more successful later in life than their more impulsive counterparts
Marshmallow Study
Form of social learning in which children and adults acquire apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions
Emotional Learning
A stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning; in Pavlov’s experiment, this was the sound of a bell
Neutral Stimuli
This is the type of operant conditioning you use when you want a desired behavior to continue.
The process of observing and imitating a certain behavior or demonstrating behavior.
He learned through experiments with dogs that animals can learn to associate two or more stimuli and anticipate events
Ivan Pavlov
The passive resignation of an animal or human whose efforts have repeatedly failed to avoid an unwanted stimulus or outcome
Learned Helplessness
A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response, such as the scent of food
Unconditioned Stimulus
This is the type of operant conditioning you use when you want an undesired behavior to stop
The ability to control impulses and delay short-term gratification for longer-term rewards
Self Control
He conditioned a baby to cry/fear furry animals using a loud noise as the unconditioned stimulus
John Watson
The type of learning where the subject experiences a sudden realization of a problem’s solution
Insight Learning
A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus; in Pavlov’s experiment, this was the salivation after hearing the bell
Conditioned Response
A reinforcing stimulus which satisfies a primary basic need such as food
Primary Reinforcer
Resistance to eating things that made you nauseous, sick or ill.
Taste Aversions
Experiment which found that toddlers who observed adults being kind or mean toward a once neutral stimuli were more likely to model that same behavior toward the the now conditioned stimuli
Bobo Doll Study
Learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it (giving direction in a new area).
Latent Learning
A natural/instinctive/unlearned response to stimuli, such as salivation after the scent of food
Unconditioned Response
This is a reinforcer which is paired with a basic need like food in order to associate the command/behavior not with the basic need but rather the associated phrase or reward
Secondary Reinforcer
The name for frontal lobe neurons that some scientists believe fire when one performs
Mirror Neurons
Psychologist who pioneered observational learning with bobo doll experiments.
Albert Bandura
The ability to learn based on the presence or absence of certain factors and/or stimuli
Contingencies (or human contingency learning)
A previously-neutral stimulus that has been conditioned to elicit a response; in Pavlov’s experiment, this was the post-training bell sound
Conditioned stimulus
A procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer and closer approximations of the desired/target behavior
This reinforcement schedule reinforces a response every time the desired behavior occurs
Continuous Reinforcement
He discovered the process of strengthening behaviors followed by a reinforcer and diminishing behaviors followed by a punisher
B.F. Skinner
This occurs when you layer more stimuli by adding additionally conditioned stimuli to the already-existing conditioned stimulus, such as teaching Pavlov's dog to salivate at the bell and at the red light
High Order Learning
This occurred when Little Albert respond to all fury/fuzzy objects (unconditioned stimulus) with fear (conditioned response) since he was afraid of the Rat's and Rabbits (conditioned stimulus)
This occurs when something wanted is taken away as a form of punishment in response to a undesired behavior
Negative Punishment
This reinforcement schedule reinforces behavior in a seemingly unpredictable manner where the reinforcement comes in waves of frequent reinforcement or no reinforcement
Variable-Ratio Schedule
He developed the law of effect which held that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely
Edward Thorndike
Accidental rewarding and/or partial reinforcement that is incorrectly associated with a reward.
Superstitious behaviors
When a subject only responds to the conditioned stimulus and is able to distinguish between similar stimuli
This occurs when something wanted is given as a reward in response to a desired behavior
Positive Reinforcement
This reinforcement schedule reinforces a behavior after a specified number of responses
Fixed-Ratio Schedule
Psychologist noted the ability of humans to analyze the probability of an outcome based on the contingencies (causal stimuli)
Robert Rescorla
Known as positive, constructive, or helpful behavior such as modeling healthy conflict resolution or emotional regulation.
Prosocial behavior
This is the successful retention of association learning, training, or conditioning
This occurs when something unwanted is given as a form of punishment in response to an undesired behavior
Positive Punishment
This reinforcement schedule reinforces a response only occasionally, not every single time. This is proven to help avoid extinction
Partial/Intermittent Reinforcement
This is the name of your tragically awful AP Psychology Teacher, if you get this wrong all hope is lost
Colin Francis Harty
Known as dysfunctional behaviors such as aggression, violence, gossip, impulsivity, dishonesty.
Antisocial behavior
This is the diminishment or complete removal of retained associated learning, training, or conditioning
This occurs when something unwanted is taken away as a reward in response to desired behavior
Negative Reinforcement
This is the attempt to objectively solely study behavior and learned experience; the field essentially ignored mental processes and observational learning
Memories linked to the capacity to recall the meaning of words, concepts or numbers
Semantic Memory
This can occur when the previously forgotten association learning, training, or conditioning can suddenly return or come back to memory
Spontaneous Recovery
This stimuli, often a command or action, elicits a specific response after association with a reinforcer (reward)
Discriminative Stimulus
Memories linked to specific experiences, context, emotions, etc., rather than a concept or word itself
Episodic Memory