Cognitive Psych
Scientific Foundations
Social Psych
Sensation + Perception

What is the difference between automatic processing and effortful processing

Automatic is unconscious processing of well-learned information. Effortful is active processing of information that requires effort.


What are the three types of descriptive research methods?

Case Study, Naturalistic Observation, and a Survey


What is the chameleon effect?

The chameleon effect is the nonconscious mimicry of behaviors around you. 


Name and explain the parts of a neuron from beginning of the process to the end

First are the dendrites:listen for requests, then the axon: receive and send requests, then myelin sheath: protects the axon and speeds up messages, terminal branches: form with other cells, terminal buttons: hold neurotransmitters 


What is the Cocktail Party Effect?

The brain's ability to focus one's auditory attention on a particular stimulus while blocking out other stimulus around them. 


A mnemonic device to help remember this set of information :  FLCMCAMNTSMS



What is the difference between random sample and random assignment?

Random sample is when each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected to represent the whole and random assignment is when the participants have the same opportunity to be assigned to any given group. Random sample is getting in the experiment and random assignment is getting into a 'job' in the experiment. 


Describe how group polarization might impact jury verdicts?

The more you talk about an idea, the more it will most likely become a reality. Like minded people will agree and amplify their ideas. This may impact how a jury decides the outcome of a case based on the initial idea brought up. 


Which sense does not send neural messages through the thalamus? 

The sense of smell


Explain Transduction.

Transduction is the transformation of physical energy to electrical signals (neural impulses) that can make way to the brain.


Capacity of Short-term memory and Long-term memory 

Short-term memory has a capacity of about 7 items between 15 and 30 seconds, while the long-term memory is unlimited. 


Difference between large and small standard deviation. 

Small standard deviation is when data does not vary much and large standard deviation is the opposite. 


What is the difference between conformity and obedience? 

Conformity is behaving like peers, such as getting crocs because all of your friends to. Obedience is listening to individuals of higher power, such as doing a task when your parent tells you too. 


What are the different jobs for each half of the brain?

Right - visual/spacial awareness, making inferences, sense of self, creativity, intuition, reading emotions and faces, and expressing emotions 

Left - logical, analytical, process speech and language, and quick literal interpretations of language 


Parts of the ear in order when hearing something

Auditory Canal, Eardrum, Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup, Oval Window, Semicircular Canals, Cochlea, Auditory Nerve, Auditory Cortex


How do declarative and nondeclarative memory apply to implicit and explicit memory? 

Declarative memory of the memory of facts and events and can be referred to as the explicit memory. Nondeclarative memory is a type of long-term memory and doesn't require conscious thought. Nondelacrative can be referred to as implicit memory.


What is the definition of psychology and how has it changed over time? 

The definition of psychology has changed from the study of mental processes to now incorporating behavior. Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions. 


How does the self-fulfilling prophecy help a student's performance in school?

The self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to come true. In school a student may act out with peers and so the teacher may assume that they are a bad student. The teacher then may have a different attitude or believe about the student which then reflects back to the student, making them think that they are a bad student. 


What is the endocrine system? Name at least 3 parts in the system. 

The endocrine system is a chemical messenger system, a collection of glands that secrete hormones. Different parts of the endocrine system would be: Pituitary Gland, Adrenal Glands, Pineal Gland, Thyroid, Para Thyroid, Hypothalamus


In order to balance on a balance beam which sense must be used? (Vestibular or Kinesthetic)

Vestibular Sense


Who is Elizabeth Loftus and what was the importance of her work?

Elizabeth Loftus is a cognitive psychologist who studied the misinformation effect and eye witness testimony which was a huge break through in criminal law. 


What are the 7 types of levels of analysis and how do they relate to how we act and think the way we do? 

Behavioral - how we act because we learned it, Biological - the brain, genes and hormones (our biological structures), Cognitive - what we think, Evolutionary - natural selection, Humanistic - help reach full potential and certain needs, Psychodynamic - unconscious , and Social-cultural - how we were raised 


What is ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism refers to the tendency for one to judge and evaluate others based on their own culture as the standard


Name the Lobes from front to back in order. Also name the parts of the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System

Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal. 

CNS - spinal cord and brain

PNS - nerves 


Order of parts of the eye when seeing an object 

Cornea, Pupil, Iris, Lens, Fovea, Retina, Bipolar Cells, Ganglion Cells, Optic Nerve, Thalamus, Visual Cortex