When you assume something is more likely because it matches your expectation/prototype
What is the representative heuristic?
Riding a bike is an example of this type of memory
What is procedural/implicit memory?
This process helps us get information into memory
What is encoding?
A type of sensory memory specific to vision
What is iconic memory?
Ebbinghaus's graphical representation of retention and forgetting over time
What is a forgetting curve?
Using a shoe to hammer a nail is an example of overcoming this
What is functional fixedness?
You are using this type of memory when you recall your favorite birthday party that you have ever had
What is episodic memory?
An encoding process that groups similar information into a single unit to increase capacity in short-term memory
What is chunking?
Another name for short-term memory
What is working memory?
The phenomenon that explains why retelling a story can lead to an inaccurate memory
What is misinformation effect?
Explains why people might think they are more likely be in a plane crash than in a car accident
What is the availability heuristic?
You are using this type of memory when you answer "what are the colors of the rainbow?"
What is explicit/semantic memory?
This is essential to moving information from sensory memory to short-term memory
What is attention?
The component of working memory you are using while listening and taking notes in class
What is the phonological loop?
When you keep recalling your old phone number instead of your new phone number
What is proactive interference?
Example: 45 minutes into a movie you realize that you don't like it, but at this point you continue to watch it anyway
What is sunk-cost fallacy?
Remembering to give your favorite teacher a Christmas gift before you leave for winter break
What is prospective memory?
When the successful retrieval of a memory depends on the environment where the memory was encoded
What is context-dependent memory?
To remember a phone number until she can write it down, Lisa repeats it over and over in her head. This is an example of this type of rehearsal.
What is maintenance rehearsal?
After a car accident, Sam struggles to remember new coworkers' names but clearly recalls events from before the accident. This condition is called this.
What is anterograde amnesia?
Example: After pushing open a door, you later continue to try to push open a door that needs to be pulled
What is a mental set?
Although Mia cannot explain how to play the piano, she can still sit down and perform flawlessly. This skill is stored in this type of memory.
What is implicit memory?
Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is an example of this
What is a retrieval failure?
When studying for a psychology exam, Jenna connects new concepts to examples from her own life to deepen her understanding. This strategy is called this.
What is elaborative rehearsal?
Following a head injury, Jake cannot remember celebrating his last birthday but has no problem recalling facts he learned afterward. Jake likely has this type of memory loss.
What is retrograde amnesia?