Clinical Psychology and Mental Health
Emotions, Motivation, and Personality
It Could Be Anything!

This psychologists name should ring a bell with his association to classical conditioning.

Who is Ivan Pavlov


This is the current diagnostics manual for psychological disorders.

What is the DSM-5


This form of motivation is influenced by factors including tangible rewards

What is extrinsic motivation


The tendency for people to adapt their behaviors, attitudes, and opinions to fit the actions of other members of a group.

What is conformity


The basic debate of developmental psychology centers around these two influences playing the biggest role in one's development. 

What is nature vs nurture.


This form of conditioning takes place AFTER the behavior has occurred.

What is operant conditioning


This disorder is marked by sudden and severe anxiety attacks that have no obvious connections with events in the person’s life

What is Panic Disorder


This is the number of recognized basic human emotions (also the name of a good suspense/thriller movie).

What is Seven


Our tendency to overemphasize personal traits while minimizing situational influences.

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE)


This is our sense of controlling our environments rather than feeling helpless

What is Locus of Control


In classical conditioning, the inability to distinguish between similar stimuli is called this.

What is generalization


This psychological disorder has four different types: Paranoid, Disorganized, Catatonic, and Undifferentiated.

What is Schizophrenia


This law of psychological emotion explains why quality of performance can decrease when emotional levels are too elevated.

What is the Yerkes-Dodson Law


These are the three processes of memory

What is Proximity, Similarity, Self-disclosure, and physical attraction.


A relatively new field of study, this is scientific study of human flourishing applied approach to optimal functioning, and is often seen used in more traditional forms of therapy

What is positive psychology


Suspending someone's license for drunk driving is an example of what kind of reinforcement?

What is negative punishment


This psychological disorder is a combination of flight and amnesia, with some episodes lasting only a couple of days or as long as a couple of years.

What is Dissociative Fugue


In Freud's theory of personality this is "the primitive, unconscious reservoir that houses the basic motives".

What is Id


This theory states that when people’s cognitions and actions are in conflict, they often reduce the conflict by changing their thinking to fit their behavior. 

What is Cognitive Dissonance Theory.


This is a physiological or psychological response to internal or external events and conditions

What is stress


This type of learning is when one is subjected to a stimuli in their everyday environment over a course of time

What is Mere Exposure


This classification of drugs is has two main categories, barbiturates and benzodiazepines

What are anti-anxiety medications


These are the five factors of the Five Factor Theory of Personality (think CANOE).

What are openness to experience, consciousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. 


Isolation of the group, high group cohesiveness, and directive leadership are all values that can influence this social psychology principle.

What is Groupthink


This theory states that people decide to pursue a relationship by weighing the potential value of the relationship against their chances of succeeding in that relationship

What is the Expectancy Value Theory