Ms. Krieger
Famous Psychologists
Famous Experiments
ECHS Facts
Disorders and Drugs

Ms. Krieger's favorite animal.

What is a unicorn?


This french psychologist invented a famous intelligence test which aimed to detect and support children with special needs.

Who is Alfred Binet?


One of the most widely cited experiments in the field of psychology in which psychology professor Philip Zimbardo set out to study the assumption of roles in a contrived situation.

What is the Stanford Prison Experiment?


The year that El Cerrito High School was founded.

What is 1941?


This kind of drug is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, and one of the most commonly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs is Prozac.

What are antidepressants?


The 'other bucket' that Ms. Krieger refers to when something is not based on science.

What is 'woo woo?'


This psychologist is best known for creating a branch of psychology that describes the structure of the mind.

Who is Edward B. Titchener?


Experiment that examined people's willingness to obey authority. Participants in the study were instructed to administer electric shocks to a learner, even when that obedience caused harm to the learner.

What is the Milgram Experiment?

The Gauchos, El Cerrito High School's mascot, were mainly located located in the pampas (grasslands) of this country?

What is Argentina/Uruguay/Brazil?


This drug is a highly addictive stimulant. Some of its side effects are teeth problems, trouble focusing, and memory loss.

What is Methamphetamine?


Ms. Krieger was involved in the sport when she attended the University of Florida.

What is rowing/crew?


This physiologist, philosopher, and professor, was the father of modern psychology, and the first person ever to call himself a psychologist.

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


A series experiments on dogs finding that they refrained from taking action when they could prevent the shocks after repeated shocks.

What is [the] Learned Helplessness [Experiment]?


On the first floor of the B building, there are no classrooms on one side because instead, this is in its place.

What is the Rock Room?


This powerful hallucinogenic drug interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, leading to alterations in perception and consciousness.

What is LSD?


This is Ms. Krieger's favorite ice cream flavor.

What is passion fruit sorbet?


This psychologist established the first psychology laboratory at an American women's college and in 1898 was elected as the American Psychological Association's first female president.

Who is Mary Whiton Calkins?


Experiment which demonstrated that children are able to learn social behavior such as aggression through observational learning.

What is the Bobo Doll experiment?


A 1991 movie in which Malcom Norrington, our principal, plays Knucklehead #1.

What is Boyz n the Hood?


A disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of attention-seeking behaviors and a theatrical level of emotional reactions

What is histrionic personality disorder?


The town in where Ms. Krieger grew up.

Where is Palm Harbor?


This American psychologist and psychotherapist was the founder of rational emotive behavior therapy.

Who is Albert Ellis?


In 1928 soviet physician Sergei Brukhonenko developed a primitive heart-lung machine he called an "autojector," and with this device he succeeded in keeping ______ alive, separate from its body.

What is the severed head of a dog?


Ms. Hebden has been teaching at El Cerrito High School for ____ years.

What is 51?


A disorder characterized by acting out your dreams in the REM stage of sleep, instead of being unable to move.

What is REM Sleep Disorder?