Birth of Psychology
Research Methodology
Neurological Basics
Parts of the Brain
More Parts of the Brain
This man is known as the 'Father of Psychology' and was believed to have made the first psychological experiment.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
The recollection that you were more confident in your answer if it was correct than you actually were at the time. Also known as the 'I-knew-it-all-along' phenomena.
What is Hindsight Bias
These are interconnected cells building up the central nervous system.
What are neurons
This part of the Limbic System deals with intense emotions such as fear and aggression
What is the Amygdala
The hind brain, or oldest region of the brain, consists of five major parts. This part controls unconscious breathing and heartbeat.
What is the Medulla
This famous front runner of psychology believed that the mind was a blank slate at birth, and we built our personality through experiences.
Who is John Locke
This procedure is when the research participants and the experimenters within a study are ignorant to who received the experimental treatment/placebo.
What is a Double-Blind Procedure
This is the impulse or brief electrical charge down the axon of a neuron
What is action potential
This part of the Limbic System deals with long term memory.
What is the Hippocampus
These two parts of the hindbrain are in control of coordinated movement and controlling arousal, respectively.
What are the Pons and Reticular Formation
The belief that nature selects those that best enable an organism to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. Hint: Charles Darwin was the frontrunner of this belief.
What is Natural Selection
An overestimation of others agreement with your own opinions. Example: "I hate cake, but so do a lot of other people."
What is False Consensus
These parts of the neuron receive information and conduct to the cell body.
What are dendrites
This part of the Limbic System deals with eating, drinking and body temperature. It also is the center for emotion and reward.
What is the Hypothalamus
This part of the brain, also known as the 'switchboard' of the brain, redirects information from all of the senses--excluding smell.
What is the Thalamus
This type of definition allows replication of a testing procedure and is used to define research variables
What is an Operational Definition
The group that is given exposure to the experimental condition.
What is Experimental Group
This enables the brain to fence out unwanted chemicals circulating in the blood.
What is the Blood Brain Barrier
This part of the brain is the control system and information processing area.
What is the Cerebral Cortex.
These cells support, nourish, and protect neurons.
What are Glia
This school of learning focused on how mental/behavioral processes enable organisms to adapt, survive, and flourish.
What is Functionalism
This expresses that a sample argument is reliable and that the difference between two variables is relatively large and not due to chance in terms of data.
What is Statistical Significance
This gland is controlled by the hypothalamus and releases growth-influencing hormones.
What is the Pituitary Gland
This center of the brain is in charge of voluntary movement.
What is the Motor Cortex.
These areas of the brain integrate information, and associate various sensory input with stores memories.
What are Association Areas