Which of the following correlation coefficients would accurately demonstrate a strong correlation between severity of depressive symptoms and desire to engage in everyday activities?
a. 0.95
b. - 0.81
c. 0.3
d. 0
What part of the neuron is most directly responsible for speeding up the transmission of neural signals?
Myelin sheath
This type of problem-solving attempts all possible solutions until the correct one is found.
A child's tendency to view the world from their own perspective and think that the world revolves around them was referred to by Jean Piaget as:
Curious George attributes his success on his Banana Midterm to his hard work and dedication in his Fruit class. What locus of control does Curious George have?
internal locus of control
The p-value of a certain experimental finding is p = 0.09. What does this indicate about the findings?
There is a 9% chance that the results are due to chance.
The results are not statistically significant.
Methadone is a medication used to treat Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). It acts by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and activating them to eliminate withdrawal symptoms and relieve drug cravings. Is methadone an agonist or antagonist?
Relative clarity, relative size, texture gradient, linear perspective, and interposition are all examples of __________.
Monocular depth cues
Taste aversion is a result of which of the following types of learning?
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. latent learning
d. social learning
b. classical conditioning
This concept describes the tendency for people to do less work when working in a group than when they work independently.
Social loafing
Mean > Median
This theory explains how the spinal cord can either allow or block pain signals from reaching the brain.
Gate Control Theory
This phenomenon describes how attention can be selective, and is demonstrated by people attend to mentions of their names or specific topics even in loud environments.
Cocktail party effect
Eric is helping his family set the table for dinner, but accidentally knocks over a glass. The glass breaks, and Eric therefore hesitates to help set the table in the next few days unless encouraged by his parents. Which of Erikson's Stages of Development would Eric fall into?
Initiative vs guilt
On his first day at his new job, Griffin brought cookies for his entire office. After work, people all agreed that Griffin was a great worker and did a good job that day. This is an example of which type of cognitive bias?
Halo effect
A dataset measuring scores on a cognitive test has a mean of 80. If 95% of participants scored between a 74 and an 86, what is the standard deviation of the dataset?
SD = 3
This part of the brain connects the left and right hemispheres to allow them to communicate with one another.
Corpus callosum
Gabby learned all of the content for her upcoming AP Psych Midterm in Room 226 of JRHS. When she goes home to study, she has trouble remembering various AP Psych concepts and terms, but when she takes her Midterm in 226, she seems to have an easier time remembering the terms and concepts. This demonstrates the concept of:
Context-dependent memory
Every time John goes for a run, he gets an uncomfortable muscle cramp in his abdomen. The discomfort of this cramp has made him run less and less over time. Is the cramp an example of a positive/negative reinforcer/punisher?
positive punishment
Which defense mechanism entails an individual recognizing their unacceptable traits or impulses in someone else to avoid recognizing them in themselves?
A pharmaceutical researcher is studying a potential new drug for treatment of depression. A sample of 40 individuals with severe depression sign up for his clinical trial. Half of the patients are given the drug in addition to their current treatment, and the other half of the patients are given sugar pills in addition to their current treatment. The researcher had a computer system randomly assign the participants into the two test groups and does not know what patients are in which group. This example would best be described as study method and design?
Design: Double blind
Method: Experiment
This disorder affects the brain's ability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. People with this disorder may feel rested after waking but very sleepy throughout the day, and can fall asleep suddenly.
This process underlies memory, and describes how synaptic connections between neurons become stronger with frequent activation.
Long-term potentiation
Which reinforcement schedule do speeding tickets follow?
Variable ratio
Arthur arrives late to class, and his teacher calls him lazy and unmotivated. What type of attribution is this teacher using?
Dispositional attribution