The most commonly occurring value in a set of numbers.
The participant is given all information about risks and benefits before agreeing to participate in a study or experiment.
Informed Consent
Research that has to do with language or words.
Qualitative Research
The average of all the values in the set.
The consent of a participant not legally able to give full consent.
Informed Assent
Research that has to do with numbers or statistics.
Quantitative Research
The value that represents the middle of the set.
The personal information of the participant is not shared or stolen.
A graph made by plotting values on a chart and establishing whether or not there is a relationship between two variables.
A value that represents the extent of the spread of a data set.
Ensuring the safety of patients/participants during studies or experiments.
Protection from harm
When the data set has a few extreme values greater than the median.
Positive Skew
A measure of the average distance of the values in the set from the mean.
Standard Deviation
Explaining the procedure and the necessary deception after the experiment so fully informed consent can be given by the participants.
When the data set has a few extreme values that are lesser than the median.
Negative skew