If someone believes they succeed because they are smart and work hard, which type of attribution is it? Tell me what the types of attribution are and how they differ.
Internal attribution is believing something happened because of the person.
External attribution is believing something happened because of an outside factor like chalking up a fail to the test being “hard”.
If someone’s action contradict their beliefs. This could result in a change in attitude.
Cognitive dissonance
What are the parts of the mind, according to Freud? Give me a brief explanation for each.
Id- wants instant pleasure and doesn’t think about consequences
Ego - makes sure we act in a socially acceptable way and balances the id’s ideas
Superego- our conscience, our moral compass, a sense of right or wrong
What are the two majors influence on self - concept?
What are the six commonly identified universal emotions?
anger 😡, disgust 🤮, sadness 😞, happiness 😃, surprise 😲, and fear 😨
Which type of bias is it?
If I’m talking to someone and they are being rude, I’ll think they’re just a very rude person. I wouldn’t think it’s because they might be having a bad day.Fundamental attribution theory
What type of influence?
A teenager starts changing their clothes to fit in with her classmates.
What type of defense mechanism?
Making excuses to avoid feeling bad
Name the Big Five personality traits.
Openness to experience
Neuroticism ( emotional stability )
Difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation comes from within doing something because it's inherently enjoyable
Extrinsic motivation comes from outside sources doing something for external rewards or to avoid punishment
What is this?
If a teacher expects a student to do very well, they will give them more attention or encouragement which will result in the student doing well.
Or if someone thinks a group of people don’t like them so they might act withdrawn, which will result in the group of people to avoid them.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
What type of influence?
A kid looks at their friend to see which pencil to use or a person looks at another guy to see which correct fork to use.
What type of defense mechanism?
If someone is bad at their boss, but instead they go and take it out on their family or friend.
Which personality trait?
Being responsible, organized, and disciplined
Give me two examples of sensations seeking.
Experience seeking
Thrill or adventure seeking
Disinhibition seeking
Boredom susceptibility
Which type of bias is it?
If I’m late I’ll say it’s because of traffic but if someone else is late I’ll say it’s because they’re not punctual.
Actor-Observer bias
Which one increases conformity and which decreases conformity?
Task difficulty and ambiguity or personal importance of an issue
Task difficulty increases
Personal importance decreases
What type of defense mechanism?
Instead of getting angry and yelling, you turn to painting or working out.
What is the goal for the drive reduction theory? Explain
What are the two hormones the control feelings of hunger and fullness and what are they regulated by ?
Ghrelin and leptin
The hypothalamus regulates these hormones through the pituitary gland
What type of bias is it?
If I take a test and get an A, Ill think it’s because I’m super smart, however, if I fail Ill say it’s because the test was unfair.
Self-serving bias
Name them both
When someone put in less effort because they think others will contribute
When someone overestimates how widely shared their beliefs are
Social loafing and false consensus effect
What are the 5 stages in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in order?
Physiological, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self actualization
What does the Yerkes-Dodsan law generally say?
Very low arousal = poor performance
Medium arousal = best performance
Very high arousal = poor performance
Taking a test with mild nervousness helps you focus, but extreme anxiety makes you forget everything
How does James-Lange theory differ from Cognitive Appraisal? What is the difference?
James Lange Theory
● Emotions are caused by our body’s having
a reaction to a stimulus.
Stimulus -> Body Reaction -> Emotion
Cognitive Appraisal
● Emotions are caused by our thinking
(appraisal) (conscious or not) about a stimulus
Stimulus -> Cognition -> Emotion