A type of culture that values the self, individual success, and emotions
Any event, object, person, or concept that causes stress
An internal state of balance
Talk-style therapy in a group, decreasing stigmatization and pressure
Group therapy
Theorized that everyone wants to achieve their best self
Carl Rogers
Big 5 personality traits (name 2)
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness, Extraversion, Neuroticism
Extrinsic motivation
A constant state of stress and tenseness
Generalized anxiety disorder
Archaic procedure of cutting the connections between the frontal lobes and emotional parts of the bran
Theorized the oedipus complex and 3 components to internal personality
According to the biological perspective, personality is mainly formed from this
Theory of the origin of anger
Frustration–aggression hypothesis
Eating disorder involving binging (impulsive, excessive eating) and purging (either subsequent starving or ejection)
Anorexia nervosa
SSRI stands for
One of the first users of CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy
Aaron Beck
Components of Freud's model of internal personality
A theory of motivation, where you have to achieve a balance between boredom and stress
Yerkes Dodson Law or Optimal Arousal Theory
False beliefs
Drug used to treat severe thought disorders
Theorized the collective unconscious
Carl Jung
How the combination of behavior, environment, and internal traits contribute to personality
Reciprocal determinism
Belief in one's own ability to complete a task successfully
When someone experiences real, specific symptoms for no apparent external reason
Conversion disorder
Repeated pulses of magnetic waves to the brain
Studied systematic desensitization
Joseph Wolpe (also accept Mary Cover Jones)