Unit 1 China
Unit 1 China and Islam
Unit 1 Islam and Africa
Unit 1 Europe
Unit 2 Asia

This is the most important philosophy in China

What is Confucianism? 


The city that was the center of Islamic learning and translation in the Middle East

What is Baghdad? 


In the year 711 Muslim forces conquered Al-Andalus also known as Muslim ______________

What is Spain?


Agricultual workers tied to the land

What are serfs?


the __________ conquered the Abbasid Caliphate in 1258, China, and much of Asia resulting in a unified  system under the control of an authority that respected merchants and enforced and era of peace

Who are the Mongols?

This is where the best educated want to work in China

What is the bureaucracy?


This class of people in Islamic society helped peacefully spread Islam and connect the Indian Ocean and much of Afro-Eurasia 

Who are merchants?

the Muslim rulers in Cordoba, Spain created a climate of toleration among these three religious groups

Who are Jews, Christians, and Muslims?


a series of European military campaigns in the Middle East between 1095 and the 1200s that failed militarily but exposed Europe to Asian products 

What are the Crusades?


 Once the routes of the Silk Roads became stabilized, inns known as ___________sprang up, often about 100 miles apart where  travelers could rest both themselves and their animals and sometimes trade their animals for fresh ones

What are caravanserai?


This is the test one takes to get a government job

What is the Civil Service Exam?


They translated Greek literary classics into Arabic, saving the works of ______________and other Greek thinkers  

Who is Aristotle?


Two religions: This religion was the original main religion in India and this was the new religion that entered India after the 700's

What is Hinduism and Islam?


This was the effort to take back Spain from Islamic forces and make it a Catholic nation that culminated in 1492?

What is the Reconquista?


If the enemy refused the Mongols, Genghis Khan killed all the aristocrats but spared these types of workers who recruited for the Mongol Army 

Who are  Craftworkers, miners, and others with skills, such as the ability to read and write?


This is a fast growing rice from Vietnam that doubled the population of China

What is Champa rice?


The __________ System consists of Korea, China, and Japan as they acknowledged the cultural superiority of China- even practicing the kowtow

What is the Tributary System?


In East Africa, traders blended Bantu and Arabic to develop ths new language

What is Swahili?


named after large economically self-sufficient estates, the _____________ system provided economic self-sufficiency and defense and produced everything that people living on it required, limiting the need for trade or contact with outsiders

What is the manorial system? 

 Freed from years of warfare, Genghis Khan’s soldiers took charge of protecting the Silk Roads, making them safe for trade and ushering in the third golden age of the Silk Roads. New trade channels were also established between Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. This time period is called __________

What is Pax Mongolica? 


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: This is the belief you should get a job based what you know not who you know 

What is meritocracy?


the duty of family members to subordinate their desires to those of the male head of the family (respect for elders) and to the ruler of China

What is filial piety? 


This was one of the oldest Christian empires in Africa famous for massive churches made entirely of rock. 

What is Ethiopia?


Due to an increase in long distance trade, a new economic class not born rich but became rich through trade, banking, and hard-work 

What is the bourgeoisie?


These three economic innovations allowed international trade to grow along the Silk Road from China to Europe 

What is flying money, banking houses, bills of exchange, or paper money?