2D Kinematics
Momentum and Impulse
Circular Motion
Daigler Trivia

This is what the FBD looks like for an object in projectile motion (i.e. shot out of a cannon)

Drawn Response


This is the definition of impulse.

What is change in momentum?


This is the non existent force many people believe they feel when moving in a circle.

What is centrifugal force?


This force always acts perpendicular to a surface.

What is normal force?


Known for its large metallic bean, this city is most famous for being Tommy's hometown.

What is Chicago?


This is the amount of acceleration in the x-direction for an object in projectile motion.

What is zero?


In an perfectly elastic collision this is conserved along with momentum.

What is energy?


A car is at the bottom of a perfectly circular valley. In order for it to start moving up the other side of the valley, this force must be the greatest for acting on it.

What is normal force?


This is Newton's law which states that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force.

What is Newton's 1st?


This is the name of the university Tommy attended. Bonus points for guessing his original major.

What is Miami University? (Integrated Science Education with a Physics focus)


This is the initial y velocity of the object in a bomber problem.

What is zero?


Two cars of equal mass are moving towards each other. One car has a velocity of 40 m/s and the other has a velocity of -40 m/s, this will be the cars' velocity after the collision. 

What is zero? 


A satellite is orbiting Earth at a radius R. The satellite is pushed to a radius 3 times that of its original. The force of gravity acting on the satellite will decrease by this factor.

What is 9?


This is what the FBD looks like for a squirrel sitting on a slanted roof.

Drawn Response.


This is the instrument(s) Tommy has played since he was in fifth grade

What is percussion?


A 2 kg cannon ball is shot out of a cannon at an angle of 35o at 13 m/s. It takes 1.5 seconds for the ball to hit the ground again. How far (horizontally) did the cannon ball get?

What is 15.9 m?


A 2kg ball is thrown at a wall. The ball has a velocity of 4.45 m/s before it hits the wall and a velocity of -2.8 m/s after. If the ball was in contact with the wall for 0.002 seconds, how much force did the wall apply?  

What is -7250 N? 


A ball of mass 3 kg is attached to a .5m long string and is being swung in a vertical circle. The force of tension in the string is about 20 N. How fast is the ball moving? 

What is 1.8 m/s?


A 5 kg bucket of paint is being hauled up by a string with a tension force of 70 N. What is the paint's acceleration? 

What is 4.2 m/s2


This is the musical instrument Tommy's dog is named after.

What is Banjo?


A plane moving at 40 m/s drops a care package. How far (horizontally) does it go before it reaches the ground 200 meters below? 

What is 255 m? 


Cart A moves toward and collides with cart B which was stationary, the carts do not stick together. After the collision, Cart A (mass = 3 kg) moves away with a velocity of -0.6 m/s and Cart B (mass = 2 kg) moves away with a velocity of 2 m/s. How fast must cart A have been moving before the collision? 

What is 0.73 m/s?


A moon of mass 2x106 kg is orbiting a planet with a mass of 3.5x1020 kg at a radius of 3x105 m. How fast must the moon be orbiting? 

What is 278 m/s?


A 10 kg box is being pulled by two people. Person A pulls with a force of 10N at an angle of 60o. Person B pulls with a force of 20N at an angle of 20o. What is the acceleration of the box? 

What is 1.37 m/s2?


This is the profession Tommy wanted to be as a kid.

What is chef?