Schemes of Words
Schemes of Omission & Repetition
Schemes of Balance & Construction (unusual word order)
Her black hair was liquid silk
What is a metaphor?
The big idea or main point of an essay. In persuasive writing, it shares the author's opinion on a given topic.
What is a thesis statement?
Usually in the introduction, this makes up the first sentence(s) of a written piece and helps catch the reader's attention. Can consist of dialogue, a thought-provoking question or quote, a startling fact, an anecdote, etc.
What is a lead or hook?
This must be turned off and given to the teacher before the test.
What a cellphone or electronic device?
When we state that a character is going through a struggle involving man/nature/self/society, we are referring to this crucial part of a story.
What is the conflict?
The yellow flames danced among the logs.
What is personification?
An essay in which the author attempts to convince the audience to believe in his/her opinion.
What is a persuasive essay?
Although it is important to restate the thesis in this part of the essay, it is recommended that you reword/state it in a slightly different way.
What is the conclusion?
This is the amount of lines you have for your essay?
What is a 26 lines?
When we talk about the lesson or big idea that is being expressed in a story, we are referring to its ______.
What is theme?
She came into the house like a whirl of sunshine.
What is simile?
This type of writing aims to inform the reader/explain a given topic.
What is expository writing?
When responding to the literary essay prompt, it is recommended that you write with this type of point of view.
What is third person point of view?
The number of hours you have to take the STAAR
What is 5?
A wonderful book that can and SHOULD be utilized for both the reading and writing part of the STAAR EOC exams.
What is a dictionary/thesaurus?
I am so hungry, I can eat a horse!
What is a hyperbole?
This is the amount of line you have to write a SAR
What is 10 lines?
The recommended number of: - details to include in your expository essay - reasons to include in your persuasive essay
What is 2-3?
Once you have completed the exam you are allowed to do the following
What is read or sleep?
When we read a text, the author's purpose may be to...(3 things)
What is to persuade, to inform, or to entertain?
When Jon's girlfriend broke up with him, he fell into a pit of despair.
What is a metaphor?
The two types of essays that students are required to write in the English I and English II STAAR EOC exam.
What is persuasive, and expository?
Words or phrases that can be used to signal a shift to a new idea or part of your essay.
What is transition words/phrases?
The classroom you are assigned to will be based on this.
What is by your last name?
The acronym we use for open ended response questions is ACES, and the letters represent...
What is A-answer the questions, Cite or give evidence, Explain the quote, So what? connect back to the theme