I cause symptoms such as nightmares and flashbacks after a terrible event that has been experienced or witnessed
The use of a variety of different tools from many perspectives
There are 6 people lifting a heavy desk and I only pretend to help- bwaahahahaha! What am I doing?
Social loafing
I am manipulated by researchers
I control my own fate!
Internal locus of control
The biological treatment for Major Depressive disorder (category and example)
SSRI- Prozac
The step by step treatment for specific phobias
Systematic desensitization
Who needs to be pretty or funny? I can persuade you to do what I want because I have the facts to support my argument!
Central route of persuasion
This is how we make sure all researchers understand a variable in the same way- must contain a number!
Operational Definition
The part of the brain you use to process all the wonderful memories you made in AP Psychology!
A Schizophrenic symptom characterized by a false belief, such as being targeted for your thoughts by aliens
This therapy pairs an unpleasant stimulus with a habit that is negative to classically condition change in behavior
Aversive conditioning
This haircut is awful! Wait, it's not so bad. After I look in the mirror 20 times, I think I actually like it!
Mere exposure effect
This is the last ethical requirement that provides the results to participants as well as revealing any deception used
This eating disorder is characterized by binging and purging and can come from feelings of self-loathing.
Bulimia Nervosa
This extreme in bipolar disorder is characterized by wild optimism, reckless actions and erratic behavior
I am a side effect of antipsychotic drugs that results in loss of muscle control
Tardive Dyskenesia
This is tension that is caused by an incongruous relationship between a person's beliefs and their actions
Cognitive dissonance
Every participant has the same opportunity to be in either the control group or experimental group.
Random assignment
I don't want to confirm this belief about my race or ethnicity and this could influence my performance!
Stereotype threat
This disorder can feel like a heart attack, and is often treated with a specific kind of medication (name disorder and medication)
Panic disorder- sedative- Benzo (Xanax or Valium)
This therapy focuses on the ABC (activating event, belief, consequence) of behavior. Can be more confrontational in nature but has long lasting effects.
This type of influence comes from wanting approval, in alignment with social norms or to avoid negative attention
Normative social influence
Something that could influence the DV other than the IV and can affect validity of the study
Confounding variable
This is the best version of myself. I am fed, safe, loved, proud and now I want to leave a legacy that will benefit others.