Organizing Data
Data Relationships
Producing Data & Experiments
Probability & Distributions
Inference & Tests
This measure of center is more resistant to outliers than the mean.
What is the median?
observed y - predicted y
What is the residual?
This phrase is used to describe an observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance.
What is statistically significant?
This type of random variable requires a fixed number of trials.
What is a binomial random variable?
The type of significance test used for the mean of a single population when the standard deviation of the population is unknown.
What is a T test (or T procedure)?
To calculate, subtract the mean of the distribution from the observed x, then divide by the standard deviation.
What is the z-score (or standardized value)?

Measures the direction and strength of a relationship between two quantitative variables.

What is the correlation coefficient (or r)?


This command generates ______ from __ to __: randInt(1,9,3)

What is the calculator command for generating 3 random numbers from 1 to 9?


The type of variable requires gaps in measurement.

What is a discrete random variable?


The formula to calculate the one-sample t statistic.

What is z = (x bar minus mu) divided by (s divided by the square root of n) ?


This rule helps to determine if data is normally distributed by checking the proportion of observations within each interval (68-95-99.7).

What is the Empirical Rule?


The percent of the variables in the values of y that is explained by the LSRL of y on x.

What is the coefficient of determination (or r squared)?

This experimental design involves the random assignment of units to treatments which are carried out separately within each group of units known to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the responses.
What is block design?
Events that have no outcomes in common and can never occur simultaneously, for which the addition rule is used.
What are disjoint events (or mutually exclusive events)?

The conditions to use this test include all expected counts be greater than or equal to 5.

What is the chi-square (GOF, homogeneity, or independence) test?


The squared standard deviation.

What is the variance?

Applying a logarithmic transformation to both variables causes this type of model to become linear.
What is a power model?

The 4 basic principles of experimental design.

What are comparison, random assignment, control, and replication?


The condition involving the population size that must be satisfied to use sigma divided by the square root of n as the standard deviation of a sampling distribution.

What is the 10% Condition?


The assumptions to be verified for inference about a proportion.

1. Randomness

2. Independence

3. Normal

This calculator command can be used to find the area under a normal distribution and above an interval.
What is normalcdf?

Looking at this helps you decide if a linear model is appropriate to represent the relationship between 2 variables.

What is residual plot?


____ allows us to conclude causation because _____.

What is random assignment, it creates groups that are as similar as possible (minimizes confounding variables) so that the treatment is the only difference?


What identifies a geometric distribution? 

What is BITS, or until the first success? 


p-hat +/- z*SE sub p-hat

What is the confidence interval for a population proportion?