A Mixed Bag
Chapter 4 Spiraling

Because you can't take the average, hair color, ethnicity, or marriage status of a group of people, these would all be examples of what type of variable?

What is a categorical variable?


The formula for median. (Symbols only)

What is (n+1)/2 ?


Another name for the shape of a double peaked set of data

What is bimodal?


These are imposed intentionally on the subjects/experiment units in an experiment but not in an observational study.

What are treatments?


This measurement of spread indicates the typical distance that an individual is from the mean.

Standard Deviation


This formula used to find outliers in a box and whisker plot.

What is (1.5)(IQR) Rule ?


If the mean and median are essentially equal in a data set, the distribution most likely has this shape.

What is symmetric?


This group is not mandatory in an experiment, but is often used to help account for the confounding caused by lurking variables.

What is a control group?


25% of the data values in a set are greater than this marker in a data set.

What is Quartile 3 (Q3)?


Subtracting the highest and lowest values in a 5 number summary gives us this measurement of spread.

What is range?


The only difference between calculating a sample standard deviation compared to a population standard deviation

What is dividing by (n - 1)?


This need to be present in a study to be able to tie inferences from the sample back to the population.

What is Random Sampling?


These floral sounding name lacks color but is useful in a stem plot to represent the individual data values.

What are leaves?


Given that Q1 = 80 and Q3 = 120, the lower fence would be found at

What is 20?

The standard deviaion of the number of arms of everyone in the classroom.

What is zero?


This type of sample is gathered by seperating all the individuals into groups based on a variable. Then an SRS from each group is taken in order to form the sample.

What is a Stratified Random Sample?


This type of graph is best used when comparing two quantitative data sets of two different sizes.

What is Relative Frquency Histogram?


If the median is the 173rd value of a data set, how many total values are in this consecutively numbered data set?

What is 345?


The SOCS acronym has been replaced by many teachers to now say SOCV. The V stands for

What is variability


This type of sampling error occurs when certain groups are not represented in a study often leading to biased results.

What is undercoverage?