Exploring Data
Modeling Distributions
Describing Relationships
Designing Studies
This is a data point that is significantly different from the other observations in a data set.
What is an outlier.
To calculate, subtract the mean of the distribution from the observed x, then divide by the standard deviation.
What is the z-score.
observed y - predicted y
What is residual?
This phrase is used to describe an observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance.
What is statistically significant
This solution is how you can you add eight 8's to get the number 1,000? (only using addition)
What is 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8?
You look at real estate ads for houses in Sarasota, Florida. Many houses range from $200,000 to $400,00 in price. The few houses on the water, however, have prices up to $15 million. This is an example of what type of distribution? Be sure to include the position of the mean in relation to the median.
What is skewed to the right with the mean greater than the median.
This rule helps to determine if data is normally distributed by checking the number of observations within each interval.
What is the 68-95-99.7 rule
Explain what the r-squared tells you.
What is the percent of the variation in the y that is accounted for by the linear regression model on x
This type of experimental design uses random digits to equally divide experimental units into treatment groups.
What is Completely Randomized Design
Two fathers and two sons sat down to eat eggs for breakfast. They ate exactly three eggs, each person had an egg. Explain
They were grandfather, father and son.

Mr. Taylor wishes to combine his two class averages on his most recent test to get an overall average. His first class has a total of 42 students in it and averaged an 82.4% where his last class has a total of 26 students in it and averaged a 91.3%. The new average would be what amount?

What is 88.4%

Calculate the standard deviation for this set of data. 654 357 915 543 253 543 951 841 875
What is 253.36655
Measures the direction and strength of a linear relationship between two quantitative variables.
What is correlation (or r)?
An experiment done on sets of twins in which one twin is randomly selected to receive chewing gum during a test and the other is not is an example of this type of experiment.
What is matched-pair design
The power goes out in your house and it is pitch black. You quickly find a box of matches but only have one match. You make your way in the dark to your closet where you have a candle, a kerosene lamp, and a lantern, which do you light first?
What is the match?
In a recent poll, a study was done on which super power a person would want. The data was recorded and broken up by country. Each total is given below starting with the U.K. value, then the U.S. value. Fly 54 45 Freeze Time 52 44 Invisibility 30 37 Super-strength 20 23 Telepathy 44 66 This percent of U.S. Students chose super-strength as the superpower they would like to have.
What is 10.7%
This is the z-score used to calculate the top 10%.
What is 1.28.
In a regression model, the slope represents,
What is the change in the response variable due to a one-unit change in the explanatory variable
While studying the proportions of colors of plain M&M's, you randomly select a few packages from the store, than the M&M's inside each of the selected packages is an example of this sampling technique.
What is Cluster Sampling?
In your bed room, you lamp is 15 feet away from your bed. Without using any tricks or devices you are able to turn the lamp off and climb into bed before the room gets dark. How is this possible?
What is it is daytime still?
Given the data below, a random sample of 30 students where surveyed at a large high school on how many minutes a day they spend on the Internet. 7 20 24 25 25 28 28 30 32 35 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 50 51 72 75 77 78 79 83 87 88 135 151 The most appropriate center and spread for the data is what and why.
What is median and IQR because the data is skewed.
Every year, 50,000 runners compete in the Peachtree Road Race. They run 10 kilometers (a little over 6 miles). The average finishing time is 55 minutes, with a standard deviation of 10 minutes. Fred and Wilma completed the race in 61 and 51 minutes, respectively. Barney and Betty had finishing times with z-scores of -0.3 and 0.7, respectively. List the runners in order, starting with the fastest runner and ending with the slowest runner.
Who are Wilma, Barney, Fred, Betty
A doctor is concerned for a patient. She thinks the patient might be short for his age. So the doctor tracks the patient's height each appointment. At 36 months the patient was 86 cm, at 48 he was 90, at 51 he was 91, at 54 he was 93, at 57 he was 94 and his most recent visit of 60 he was 95. What will his predicted height be at age 15 years old.
What is 141cm
Inferences about the population and cause-and-effect relationships have certain criteria to be met, but what 5 guiding criteria is need to prove causation without experimentation?
What are Association is strong, Association is consistent, Larger x values are associated with stronger y, Alleged cause precedes the effect in time, and Alleged cause is plausible.
You come to a fork in a road and see a man standing near a sign that has fallen down. You know that one of the paths lead to a city with only people who lie and the other with only people who tell the truth. The man will only answer one question. You don't know which city he is from. What do you ask him so you will know which way is which?
You would ask him how some one from the other city would answer which way is the way to the city of those who tell the truth. What ever answer he gives you know will be a lie so the opposite direction of what he says will be the way to the truth speaking city.