Civil Liberties - 1
Civil Liberties - 2
Civil Rights
Public Opinion
this legal concept means that the Supreme Court has nationalized the Bill of Rights
What is the incorporation doctrine?
this act originally passed just weeks after 9/11, gives the federal government the power to examine an investigation, investigate or monitor political or religious groups without any connection to a criminal investigation
What is the Patriot Act (2001)?
this amendment ensures the right to counsel in federal court; the amendment was incorporated via this Court case
What are the 6th Amendment and Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)?
this goal of NOW was to pass this amendment (which did not pass) which would have women "equal" to men
What is the Equal Rights Amendment?
this political process occurs once a decade after every census
What is reapportionment?
this clause prohibits the abridgment of respecting citizens' freedom to worship or not to worship as they please
What is the free exercise clause of the 1st amendment (freedom of religion)?
this amendment forbids forced self-incrimination
What is the 5th Amendment?
most cases are settled out of court via a deal struck between a defendant's lawyer and a prosecutor
What is plea bargaining?
this act requires employers and administrators of public facilities to make "reasonable accommodations" and prohibits employment discrimination against people with disabilities
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990?
the level of confidence in a sample
What is sampling error?
commerce clause Court case
What is Gibbons v. Ogden?
according to the Court, the police had no probable cause to search this defendant's house thus reinforcing the exclusionary rule
What is Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
the Court ruled that the death penalty does not violate the equal protection law guaranteed by the 14th amendment
What is McCleskey v. Kemp (1987)?
Plessy v. Ferguson is an example of this type of discrimination/segregation
What is de jure discrimination?
the ideological difference between men and women, especially on social issues
What is the gender gap?
these are the main source of federal aid to state and local governments; these grants can be used only for one of several hundred specific purposes
What are categorical grants?
the Court found in NAACP v. Alabama (1958) that the state of Alabama had violated this right by requiring the NAACP to turn over its membership list
What is the freedom to assemble?
this case was the first to protect a right to privacy, including a right to family planning between a husband and wife
What is Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)?
this court case addressed the idea of "reverse discrimination" in admissions at UC Davis Medical School
What is Bakke v. UC (1978)?
Social Security benefits; more "settled"; limited income
What are reasons why older voters vote (more)?
one key principle of this court case was that the national government has certain implied powers that go beyond its enumerated powers
What is McCulloch v. Maryland?
The FTC and laws restrict this type of speech, such as advertising, far more extensively
What is commercial speech?
in this 1992 case regarding abortion, the Court upheld a 24-hour waiting period, a parental or judicial consent for minors, and a requirement that doctors present women with information on the risks of abortion
What is Planned Parenthood v. Casey?
the Court ruled that funding one's own election is a protected form of free speech
What is Buckley v. Valeo (1974)?
favor free market solutions; are supportive of prayer in schools; more likely to support military intervention around the world
What is conservative ideology?