Industrial America
American Migration
Great Depression
Civil Rights Era
America at War
Author of "How the Other Half Lives"
Jacob Riis
The political parties (2) often associated with politically radical Eastern and Southern European immigrants.
Communist and Socialist Parties
The name of Franklin Roosevelt's collection of laws meant to address the econmlic crisis
The New Deal
The Supreme Court Case that desegregated public schools
Brown v. Board of Education
The island nation that was seen as a stepping stone to Chinese markets and taken by the US during the Spanish American War. It remained a US colonial possession until 1945
The industrial accident in New York's garment making district that symbolized the need for some workpalce regulations.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The name of the migration of African Americans out of Southern states in and around the period of WW1
The Great Migration
The program designed to provide aid to young unemployed men through infrastructure improvements in National Parks and National Forests (and other areas).
Civilian Conservation Corps
The 19th century Supreme Court decision upholding racial segregation through the "separate, but equal doctrine"
Plessy v. Ferguson
The Supreme Court Decision that upheld the relocation of Japanese Americans during WWII
Korematsu v. US
The operator of the Chicago Settlement House "Hull House"
Jane Adams
The process of moving from urban areas to newer outlying neighborhoods.
The program designed to provide people with a system of old age benefits.
Social Security Act
1960's group founded in Oakland, California that advocated self-help within the black community, policing the police, and black nationalism. Also opposed to the Vietnam War
Black Panthers
Woodrow Wilson wanted the US to join this group at the end of WWI, the predecessor to the United Nations. The US did not join.
League of Nations
Business strategies (2) where a company buys out and merges with it's competitors to control more of the market share and owns and controls multiple aspects of their own supply and product chain.
Horizontal and Vertical Integration

The leader of the United Negro Improvement Association and proponenet of black nationalism and a back to Africa movement.

Marcus Garvey
The law created to regulate aspects of banking and the stock market that caused the economic crisis.
Glass-Steagall Act (also will accept the Securities and Exchange Commission)
Native American movement that promoted native pride, the revival of native languages, and demanded that the US Government honor violated treaties. Also occupied Alcatraz Island for an 18 month period.
American Indian Movement
Term used to describe the rationale for the build up of tens of thousands of nuclear weapons by both the US and the Soviet Union. Even if your enemy can attack you, they probably wont, because they know you can still strike them back.
Mutually Assured Destruction
Famous anti trust legislation that allows the Federal Government to regulate the Railroad Industry and make it more fair. Also created a Government commission responsible for enforcing the law
Interstate Commerce Act
The law giving Americans 160 acres of free land in Western Territories in exchange for living on it improving it.
The Homestead Act (1862)
The program designed to coordinate different industries through the use of quotas, price fixing, and wage fixing. It was later declared unconstitutional and used as an example by Republicans of New Deal Democrats reaching for power.
National Recovery Act
The 1965 law that eliminated poll taxes and literacy tests as a requirement for voting in some states. It allows for bilingual ballots and requires that southern states check in with federal regulators before they make changes to election laws.
Voting Rights Act
The name of the policy pursued by Richard Nixon with China and the Soviet Union during his Presidency. It means "a relaxing of tensions"
