Causes of the Revolution
American Revolution
Articles and Constitution

Which of the following set of historical events is in the correct chronological order? 

A) Stamp Act, Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party 

B) Boston Tea Party, Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act 

C) Stamp Act, Committees of Correspondence, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts 

D) Committees of Correspondence, Intolerable Acts, Boston Tea Party, Stamp Act

C) Stamp Act, Committees of Correspondence, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts 

The turning point battle of the Revolution, which made France decide to sign the Franco-American Alliance was...
The Battle of Saratoga


This provided that a territory could apply for statehood once it had reached 60,000 people

Northwest Ordinance of 1787


This plan was raised during the Constitutional Convention and called for the "supremacy of national authority," and based representation in the lower house of a bicameral legislature on population.

Virginia Plan


Name the incident in which three anonymous agents demanded payments to stop the French plundering of American ships in 1797.

X, Y, Z Affair


Which man’s writings (notably Common Sense) were most influential in inciting the Americans’ revolt against the British?

Thomas Paine


In the years following the 7 Years War, Americans did not want to break away from Britain, rather they wanted to return to this policy.

Salutary (Benign) Neglect


What was a key weakness of the Articles of Confederation have? 

(+100 for each additional weakness)

2/3 majority to pass legislation

No executive branch or legislative branch

No direct taxation from the federal government



This post-Revolutionary War treaty attempted to prevent war with Britain by providing that America would pay pre-war debts and that Britain would remove their troops from America.

Jay's Treaty


This was the name of the idea that women's role in government is to raise their sons to be active participants in the government.

Republican Motherhood



By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located where?

The People


France’s support for the Colonists during the American Revolutionary War was motivated primarily by what?

A desire to weaken its rival, Great Britain


A major defect in the national government established by the Articles of Confederation was that it lacked what power?

The ability to tax


This man was the first Secretary of the Treasury and devised a financial program that helped to put the United States on secure financial footing as well as strengthened the ties between states and the central government.

Alexander Hamilton and Hamilton's Financial Plan



These resolutions were an action by state's rights advocates to declare the Alien and Sedition Acts as unconstitutional on a state to state basis

Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions


The Proclamation of 1763 was just a reaction to this Native American Rebellion which was carried out in the modern day states of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.

Pontiac's Rebellion

What was the first battle of the American Revolution,often called "the shot heard round the world?"
Lexington and Concord

Which of the compromises at the constitutional convention was LEAST likely the result of regional and sectional differences in the United States? 

(3/5 Compromise, Slave Trade Compromise, Great Compromise, Executive Elections Compromise)

Executive Elections Compromise


The Democratic-Republicans favored what? (+100 for each extra item)

States' rights (weak central government)

State-level banks

Pro-French foreign policy

Strict interpretation of the Constitution


List two warnings by Washington in his farewell address in 1796?

#1 Entangling alliances with other countries

#2 The power political parties have to divide the country


These acts were passed as a direct reaction to the Boston Tea Party, singling out Massachusetts.

Intolerable (Coercive) Acts


This was the name of the final attempt by the colonists at avoiding war with Britain. King George ignored it and set the course for war.

Olive Branch Petition


What ultimately contributed to the ratification of the Constitution?

The addition of a Bill of Rights


This conflict in Massachusetts was about exorbitant tax increases that caused mobs of angry farmers to close the courts to prevent foreclosure on their farms.

Shays's Rebellion


This dispute/rebellion was in response to Hamilton's excise tax on alcohol and the first major test of federal authority after the ratification of the Constitution.

Whiskey Rebellion