Latin/Greek Bases
Doctors, Butchers, and Scientists
Planes of the Body
Cavities of the Body
a- or an- before the word "aerobic" means
What is "no air" or "without air"
The word epigastric means
What is above the gastric region
The man that first came up with the hypothesis that the blood ebbed and flowed with the tide was
What is Galen
Your aunt had to have her gallstones taken out; the old-school method was to cut the body, dividing them into an upper and lower half. What type of cut was this?
What is transverse
A tree came crashing down on your neighbor's car, damaging her skull. What cavity has been compromised (not dorsal)
What is cranial
anthropology is
What is the study of mankind
The word hypogastric means
What is under the gastric region
The man that stated definitively that the heart circulated the blood was
What is William Harvey
A stroke has divided your uncle's body in an imaginary line of right-side paralyzed, left side normal. What type of plane has divided your uncle's body?
What is sagittal
A lady just gave birth to an 1-pound boy. As a result of the large baby, her bladder had to be "pinned" back into its original location. What cavity was this (be specific)
What is pelvic
To say blood is "aqueous" is to say it is
What is like water, or watery
Name a scenario that would be classified as positive feedback
What is clotting blood, nursing mothers, etc
The man that drew beautifully detailed drawings of the dissected human in "De Fabrica" was
What is Vesalius
A car wreck victim had a huge scar that divided his body into front and back sections; what type of plane divided his body?
What is coronal
You have just come up on a terrible accident. The driver of the car was thrown clear, but not before a jagged piece of glass pierced his thoracic cavity. You know from A&P class he will have problems breathing- why?
What is the vacuum seal of the thoracic cage has been broken
The part of Biology that is the study of man's "race, family, or kind" is
What is genetics
What is the word that means "to maintain a steady state"
What is homeostasis
The doctor that would not put up with sloppy thinking or laziness was
What is DeBakey
Japanese samurai were considered especially courageous if they committed "seppuku", a type of suicide where the samurai would slice his abdominal cavity with his sword. What three organs were typically exposed?
What is liver, stomach, small or large intestine
Which major organ does the circulatory system contain?
What is heart
What membrane coats any cavity that does not have an outside opening?
What is serous
What major event was performed by a butcher because laws of that day outlawed dissection of cadavers?
What is C-section