Name the major monotheistic religions
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
For more than a thousand years this item has helped choose citizens to serve in various Chinese governments.
Civil Service Exam
How does Russia win wars?- name two people who lost in this way
enemy soldiers freeze; Napoleon, Hitler, Hanibal
What was Christopher Columbus ACTUALLY trying to find?
a western water route to India
Where did Industrialization begin and with what industry?
England; textiles
This war is not really a war because the two main sides couldn't actually fire at each other.
Cold War
This philosophy emphasizes the public ownership of goods, services and the means of production in a society.
I was not actually short! It is all propaganda.
Napoleon Boneparte
How did Buddhism spread to China?
Silk Road merchants
This is the largest land based empire in history and is the exception to almost every rule. Not a bad empire to live in as long as you weren't in the city when it was taken over.
The Mongols
These were a series of conflicts to retake the Holy Land
In this time period during the French Revolution, Robespierre and the Jacobins executed or imprisoned large numbers of elites.
Reign of Terror
Because of this treaty, Brazil speaks Portugese.
Treaty of Tordesillas
These inventions facilitated the creation of massive empires.
telegraph, steam ships, weapons
Who had the first passports?
a time of cultural rebirth in Europe
Surprisingly, I am not Jesus... even though everyone thinks I am when they look at my picture. Also, where did I live?
Emperor Justinian; Constantinople
How did Islam spread in Africa?
trans-saharan merchant trade
Outside of killing people, what impact did the Black Plague have on Europe?
allowed social and economic mobility for serfs/peasants
Why did the Catholic church have so much hostility towards the Vikings?
they raided churches
Opium Wars
Which European country took control of Indian Ocean trade by commandeering other people's port cities and forts?
What was the purpose of colonies post industrial revolution?
supply raw materials, markets for purchasing finished products
Modern African country boundaries were largely determined by European powers at this "party"
Berlin Conference
During the Scientific Revolution, this European popularized, and was executed for, the idea of a heliocentric solar system... which he totally copied from Arab scholars.
We spent quality time double checking everyone's Catholicness... and came up with some creative torture methods to do it.
Double points if you can tell me the name of our movement.
Ferdinand & Isabella of Spain
Provide an example of syncretic religions
Neo-Confuscianism, Rastafarianism, Voodoo, Santeria, Sikhism, Gnostic Christianity, etc.
This Muslim Empire dominated central/northern India
What caused the Great Schism?
collapse of Roman; pope fleeing to France while the Cardinals went to Constantinople
This rebellion was started by a man who thought he was Jesus's brother.
Taiping Rebellion
provide 2 food items that went from Europe to the Americas and 2 that went from the Americans to Europe during the Colombian Exchange
E2A: cows, horses, wheat/grains, rice, sugar, coffee, grapes, onions, peaches, chicken
A2E: maize, tomatoes, squash, beans, turkey, cacao, pineapples, potatoes, peanuts
What was the first Asian country to industrialize?
What was the POLITICAL effect of Protestant Reformation.
Kings/Queens were no longer subservient to the Catholic Church
This thinker popularized the idea of a societal revolution led by industrial workers to redistribute wealth and power amongst all citizens.
Karl Marx
We revolutionized Russia....In the middle of WW1...and then were a little salty about loosing so much territory. Who are we and who was our leader?
Bolsheviks; Vladimir Lenin
What is the core concept of Confucianism?
Filial Piety
What is feudalism?
nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
What was the first biological weapon and who used it?
Ghengis Khan; throwing plague bodies into the cities
What are the MAIN causes of WW1?
This former slave was sent by the Yongle Emperor to say hi and create alliances
Zheng He
This group of people hated machines because they felt that they were taking their jobs
While American plantations relied on chattel slavery, the Incas relied on this forced labor system.
The economic theory that the government should NOT interfere in the economy or they will screw it up.
laissez-faire capitalism
I was the only independent female empress of China to rule on their own. I retired due to old age and passed the thrown to my son.
Wu Zetian
What was the religious movement started by Martin Luther & what was it in response to?
Protestant Reformation
the practice of Indulgences
I am the only major civilization in the Americas north of Mexico. I had 1 city, but I did not write about it.
Cahokia/Mississippi Mound Builders
I am the only Chinese dynasty that wasn't actually Chinese... My dynasty was rather short.
What is the significance of the Russo-Japanese war in 1904?
first major European loss to an Asian power; further destabilized the Russian monarchy
This country only accepted the European trade of 1 item into their territory. What is name of the country and the item traded?
China & Silver
How did Industrialization raise the standard of living in industrialized nations
food and basic necessities become cheaper
What are the 2 most important trading routes in the world today?
Suez Canal & Panama Canal
This philosophical movement emphasized "natural rights" and the idea that reason and logic, rather than tradition or religion, should govern human affairs
I ruined all of my good PR when a stupid British journalist published photos of children with no hands in the Congo.
After the Moors had conquered the lower Iberian Peninsula, this is the term used for Christianity taking it back.
Western African kingdoms did not practice large scale farming.... so how did they become major civilizations?
salt/gold trade based societies that traveled across the Sahara
How was Cortes able to conquer the Aztecs
native allies, plague, metal armor, local religions
What caused the Sepoy Rebellion?
BEIC lying about what type of oil coated the bullets of soldiers in colonial India
The Atlantic Slave Trade started after this group, initially used by colonial powers as a slave labor force, began rapidly dying off from European diseases.
Native Americans/Indigenous Population
After the collapse of slave based labor systems, these types of workers became very popular in colonial societies.
indentured servants
What was the political and military alliance of Western, non communist nations?
Double points if you can name the Communist equivalent.
NATO; Warsaw Pact
This movement encourages people to form nations based on shared language/culture and not conquering.
I was the Aztec emperor who unfortunately did not kill Hernan Cortes as soon as I saw him resulting in the deaths of most of my people.
Who were the Huguenots and what happened to them?
French Calvinists, persecuted by the French government
Who were the Samurai's subservient to?
Daimyo lords
What was the first widely used gunpowder dependent weapon
I am the FIRST war dominated by firearms.
30 years war between Protestants and Catholics in Central Europe (Hapsburgs)
What is the Casta system and who are the major participating groups.
social hierarchy in colonial Latin America; Spanish born in Spain, Spanish born in the Americas, Mestizos/Mulattos, Natives, slaves
I am the most widely traveled human before industrialization/Exploration. I wrote some very helpful books that did not really include women.
Ibn Battuta
The oppressive military regime known as the Khmer Rouge ruled which nation?
What was the self-strengthening movement and how did it go?
19th century Chinese reform movement with the motto “Confucian ethics, Western science”; too little too late
Name 3 Premier's of Communist Russia
Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev
This was the reason Henry VIII of England created his own church.
Double points if you can tell me the correct names
He wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon in favor of Anne Boleyn, but the Pope wouldn't let him.
What was the Xhosa cattle killing movement?
Attempt by the Xhosa kingdom in Africa to protect their society from imperial take over by the British
These 2 revolutions COMPLETELY changed warfare
Industrial & Gun Powder
Nuclear weapons/missiles were placed strategically in these two countries cause a 6 day stand-off
Cuba and Turkey
Describe the impact of the slave trade on Central Africa
depopulation, gender imbalance, easier subjugation during colonization
Name 3 natural resources that industrialization was dependent on.
Palm Oil, Rubber, Petroleum, coal, iron
This term describes the interdependence of nations
What was the purpose of the Cultural Revolution?
to erase China's history in favor of communist values
I was the first ruler to limit my own power... while the nobles held a sword to my throat... with the signing of this document.
Double points if you can tell me the year it was signed
King John of England, Magna Carta