State Building
Moving, Conquering, & Governing
People of APWH
Buildings, Empires, & Environment

Came after the Tang Dynasty, began when Song Taizu started to distract military leaders. Capital in Hangzhou, first evidence of footbinding. Invention of the compass.

Song Dynasty


Empire located in Central America; conquered the Mayans and was later overtaken by Spainards

Aztec Empire


Prophet of the last of the 3 Abrahamic Religions

Muhammed (Islam) 


West African Kingdoms that built their wealth and power through Trans Saharan trade of salt and gold 

Ghana, Mali, Songhai 


Early caliphs spread the word through pilgrimages. Also spread through trade and warfare. Allowed conquered peoples to keep their own religion, but had to pay a tax if they did not convert.

Expansion of Islam


Land was given in exchange for protection; lords lived off the surplus crops of vassals. Maintained order during a time of weak central power in Europe; created by nobles; hierarchy of lords and vassals



The name of the Mongolian Led Army that Conquered modern day Russia/Eastern Europe

Golden Horde


Ruler of Mali from 1312-1337, extravagant pilgrimages through Egypt to Mecca established the empire's reputation for wealth in the Mediterranean world

Mansa Musa


Example of Monumental Architecture in modern day Cambodia that shows the diffusion between Hinduism and Buddhism in Southeast Asai 

Angkor Wat


Means Rebirth, lasted from 1300s to 1500s. Reflected the spirit of individualism and encouraged a split from religious based thinking.



Extended the Carolingian Empire, established a new group of imperial officials to increase the central government's control. Led a high point for Franks



What region of Europe was able to avoid an Economic Decline during the Medieval Period because of it's Geographic proximity to various regional trade networks? 

Italian Peninsula 


Traveled from Italy to China during Mongol times, entrusted by Khubilai Khan to take diplomatic trips. His  stories were immortalized when he was taken as a prisoner of war and translated his stories. Inspired Columbus and others to attempt to find a passage to the East. 

Marco Polo


Killed a third of the European population. Also called the Black Death, spread through Asia and Europe

Bubonic Plague


A combination of Confucianism and Buddhism, showed Buddhism's lasting influence throughout East Asia. Author Zhu Xi wrote Family Ritual, which instructed personal behavior for social harmony.



Prominent Mongol warrior, gained power by allying several clans. Brought all Mongol tribes under a single confederation in ______ and proclaimed universal ruler.

*200 points for term, 200 points to fill in the blank*

Term: Ghengis Khan

Blank: 1206


Southeast Asian Trading Kingdom in the Malaccan Straights that controlled the Spice Trade prior to Dutch and Portuguese control. 

Mahajapit Kingdom


The most widely traveled individual of his time, wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the Western Sudan.

Ibn Battuta

Pyramid built by Mesoamerican Civilizations in modern day Mexico. Typically used for Sacrificial Religious Purposes 

Chechen Itza.


Founder of Humanism in Renaissance Europe



5 holy wars declared by Pope Urban II in 1095 against the Muslims in an effort to recapture ___________ and ___________. Increased cultural diffusion, led to development of High Middle Ages & increased the power of kings.

*250 points for term, 125 points for each blank*

Term: Crusades

Blanks: Palestine, Jerusalem


South American city built by the pre-Columbian Civilization in the Andes Mountain Range



Naval explorer who sailed along most of the coast of Asia, Japan, and halfway down the east coast of Africa until his death. Demonstrated his country's ability to be a dominant military, political, and economic power in the Indian Ocean

Zheng He


Originally a Catholic Cathedral, was transformed into a Muslim Mosque after the Sack of Constantinople in 1453.

Haga Sophia 


Mesoamerican Game that involves elements of Volleyball, Cricket, Baseball (and serves as an example of the AP Historical Thinking Skill of Continuity & Change over Time) 
