Islamic Empires
Medieval Europe
Technological innovations

This Caliphate Conquered North Africa, Spain, and Pakistan. Their Expansion into Europe was stopped by the Franks at the Battle of Tours

The Umayyad Caliphate


This concept was the right to rule for Chinese Emperors. Natural disasters, plagues, famines, and revolts were symbols of losing this. 

The Mandate of Heaven


This institution provided a unifing force for medieval Europe, social services, education, and was the main source for intellectual activities until the Renaissance. 

The Catholic Church


This invention created in 9th century China and 15th century Europe enabled the pass production of books and other documents. 

The Printing Press


The fall of this city enabled Ottoman domination of the Eastern Mediterranean and lead to the European Age of Exploration as Europeans sought to avoid the massive taxes on Silk Road goods. 

Constantinople (Istanbul) 


This city was the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate and contained the famous House of Wisdom until its destruction by the Mongols in 1253.



This 14th century Chinese Explorer expanded China's tributary system, sailed to Africa, Indian, and Indonesia. His expeditions were stopped by a conservative Confusian faction.

Zhang He


A Hierarchial system of reciprical relationships between kings, nobles, knights, and peasants. Land was given exchange for loyalty and military service and serfs worked the land in return for protection,



A chemical mixture concisting of Sulfur, nitrate, and Charcoal, that would revolutionize warfare



A city in Mali, Africa, that was a center of trade, culture, and Islamic learning, it was one of the several capitals of the Mali empire. It was a significant stop on the Trans-Saharan trade route. 



The Division between Sunni and Shia Islam was primarily caused by this disagreement.

Succession after Muhammad's Death


This examination system was utilized to find the most qualified beurocrats in China, the test was based on knowledge of governance, economics, and Confusian ideals. The test served as a form of class mobility as anyone was able to take the test.

The Civil Service Test / Imperial Examination 


1. A desire to reclaim the holy land

2. The Byzantine Empire's request for aid

3. A way to unite fractious European nobles and get them to fight elsewhere.

4. Promise of land, wealth, and adventure for nobles, knights, and peasants. 

The causes of the Crusades.


This overland trade system enabled the effective movement of goods in mutliple land trade routes, by providing a network of safe lodgings for travelers. These were constructed in Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East.



These people, who originated in West/Central Africa, are known for their migration across sub-Saharan Africa, spreading languages, ironworking, and agricultural practices. Their movements began around 1000 BCE and had a significant impact on the development of many African societies.

Who were the Bantu-speaking people?


This Battle in 732 halted the Umayyad Caliphate's expansion into Europe (Double Points if you can correctly name the leader of the European Army, including his title.

The Battle of Tours (Charles Martel "The Hammer") 


The Grandson of Ghengis Khan who fully conquered China and created the Yuan Dynasty. 

Kublai Khan


The conversion of this King to Catholicism helped to ensure the power of the Catholic Church in Europe. 

Clovis King of the Francs.


This massive engineering project, initiated during the Sui Dynasty and expanded in the Song Dynasty, connected the northern and southern parts of China, facilitating water-based transport of goods, especially rice, and contributing to the economic integration of the empire.

What is the Grand Canal?


A pilgrimage that all Muslims are supposed to complete in their life, Mansa Musa's is one of the most famous. 

Hajj to Mecca


This system allowed for Religious Minorities within the Ottoman Empire to self-govern with their own laws.

The Millet System


This is the goal of Confusianism.

To create a harmonious society through virtue, respect, and moral integrity


This system enabled increased agricultural yields in Medieval Farms, as it prevented the exaustion of the land due to overfarming and monocropping. 

The Three Field System / Crop rotation


A large heavily armed ship that enabled the Global trade routes of the Spanish empire, especially the Manilla trade between the Spanish Empire and China.

(Manilla) Galleon


These were Martin Luther's three main issues with the Catholic Church, (answer 2/3)

Sale of indulgences, 

The authority of the pope

Church's wealth/corruption