Exploration and Maritime Empires
Columbian Exchange
Trade and Commerce
Technology and Innovations
Cultural Interactions and Religion

Which European country pioneered long-distance oceanic exploration during the 15th century?

What is Portugal?


What is the name of the biological exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and ideas between the Old World and the New World?

What is the Columbian Exchange?


This system involved the exchange of goods and slaves between Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

What is the Triangular Trade?


What type of ship, used by European explorers, was developed to sail long distances?

What is the caravel?


BONUS 200: 

What was the labor system used by the Spanish in the Americas that forced Native Americans to work on plantations and in mines?

What is the encomienda system?


Who sponsored Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage to the Americas?

Who are Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain?


Which crop, originally from the Americas, had a major impact on European diets and population growth? 

What is the potato?


BONUS 400: 

What was the primary cash crop grown in the Caribbean that drove the need for labor?

What is sugar?

Asian piece of technology that helped sailors navigate
What is the compass?

The mineral, first discovered and mined in South America, that became one of the first global currencies-- traded and desired by nations all across the world. 

What is Silver?


Which treaty divided the newly discovered lands between Spain and Portugal?

What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?


Which European-introduced animal transformed the way Native Americans hunted on the Great Plains?

What is the horse?


Name the economic policy that emphasized stockpiling precious metals and maintaining a favorable balance of trade.

What is mercantilism?


Name the navigational instrument that sailors used to determine their position based on the stars.

What is the astrolabe?


What period in European history, beginning in the 14th century, is known for its revival of art, culture, and intellectual achievements, drawing inspiration from classical antiquity?

What is the Renaissance?


Which empire in the Americas fell to Hernán Cortés in 1521?

What is the Aztec Empire?


BONUS 800:

Name one major disease that Europeans brought to the Americas, devastating native populations.

What is:

  • Smallpox
  • Measles
  • Influenza
  • Typhus
  • Bubonic plague
  • Chickenpox

English, French, and Dutch established these types of companies to colonize and facilitate trade 

What are joint-stock companies?


BONUS 800:

Which innovation, originally from China, was adapted for military use and contributed to the success of European empires?

What is gunpowder?


Name three of the four major Casta classes in Spanish America.

What are (Penninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mullattos)?


BONUS 1000: 

This European country established colonies in Southeast Asia, India, and Africa but is less remembered compared to Spain and Portugal.

What is the Dutch Republic?


What was the primary economic impact of the introduction of silver from the Americas to global trade networks?

What is the inflation and rise of the global economy (also the development of Spanish wealth)


This joint-stock company was key to Dutch dominance in Indian Ocean trade.

What is the Dutch East India Company?


This device, introduced in Europe during the 15th century, revolutionized the spread of knowledge.

What is the printing press?


Who is your favorite teacher?

What is Mr. Longoria