Believed in the social contract and natural rights
John Locke
About what percent of the population was in the second estate
Led to increased slavery in the American South
The Cotton Gin
Religion native to China
French term meaning "Hands off"- refers to a type of Capitalism
We can thank him for the concept of freedom of speech
Leader of the Jacobins
This innovation led to factories to be able to more easily fix machines
Interchangeable Parts
Mystical variant of Islam- became popular in West Africa
Word for when a group of people are pushed out of their homeland, usually by force
We can thank him for the idea of separation of powers in government
Baron de Montesquieu
Where was Marie Antoinette born?
When a company owns most or all of a resource
A monopoly
Holy wars over the city of Jerusalem
The Crusades
Type of Protestant Christianity that believes in "Predestination"
One of the most famous women authors in the Enlightenment
Mary Wollstonecraft OR Olympe De Gouges
Most famous general in the Haitian Rev?
Touissaint L'Ouverture
Hated technology and thought it would lead to downfall of society
The Luddites
Incan system of drafted labor for projects like building roads
The Mi'ta System
Mongol empire in the middle east- largely Muslim
Wrote a pamphlet that advocated that it should be "common sense" that the colonies break away from Great Britain
Thomas Paine
Social Class that led the Latin American revolutions?
The original factory city
Manchester, UK
African language that blended Arabic and native African languages
Significantly expanded the Ottoman Empire
Mehmed II